January 2018

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Marianne and Connell stayed in Carricklea for about a week after New Year's. Throughout their stay in Carricklea, Marianne asked Lorraine questions about pregnancy and asked for many kinds of advice. She was surprised, but also not at the same time, by how many answers she had for Marianne.

They then went back to Dublin, and wait for the birth of their daughter. When they arrived back in the apartment...

"I'm going to put my head down for a while," Marianne says to Connell

"Alright, no worries," Connell says

"Connell?" Marianne asks

"Yes?" Connell says

"Will you stay with me?" Marianne asks Connell

"Yes of course, if you want me to," Connell says

Connell then takes Marianne's hand as she leads them to their bedroom. Both Marianne and Connell strip to their underwear and get into bed, lying next to one another.

Minutes go by before on one of them says something.

"Can I tell you something, Marianne?" Connell asks

"Anything you want, Connell," Marianne says

"When I was in school, you know when I used to sleep around with anyone?" Connell asks

"Yeah?" Marianne says

"I don't think I ever told you this but, nearly every time I slept with someone I didn't want to sleep with, I nearly got sick every time afterwards. And the only reason I did it was that everyone else was doing it as well. I know, stupid excuse but then I started doing it with you and, every time I did it with you it just felt right, both physically and mentally" Connell tells Marianne

"Yeah I never felt that way with Gareth, Jamie, Lukas or Daniel, if I'm being honest" Marianne admits to Connell

Marianne goes off to sleep but Connell stays awake, he then gets out of bed, gets dressed, looks back at Marianne and stares in awe while she sleeps. He then goes into the kitchen, writes a note, telling Marianne that he has just gone into the city for a message.

Connell then steps out of the apartment, when he does he takes out his phone and calls both Niall and Joanna, he then asks them to meet him in the local cafe in about one hour.

An hour later, Connell walks into the cafe to see Niall and Joanna sitting at a table with cups of tea and coffee with them.

"Alright, mate," Niall says to Connell

"Yeah, how have you been?" Connell says

"Where's Marianne?" Joanna asks Connell

"She is back in our place, resting," Connell tells Joanna

"So, why have you called us here?" Joanna asks Connell

"I need to talk to you guys about something. But first, I'm going to get a cup an tae" Connell says to Niall and Joanna

Connell walks up to the counter and orders a cup of tea. He then goes to sit down with Niall and Joanna. He begins to talk about his and Marianne's plans for their daughter. He then gets his cup of tea delivered over to him. Connell then brings out a box and puts it on the table.

"What's that, The box of delights?" Niall asks

Connell and Joanna laugh lightly at the remark made by Niall

"No, I wish," Connell says

Connell then opens the box to show Niall and Joanna. He shows them the engagement ring he bought for Marianne. Connell sees the surprised looks on both, Niall's and Joanna's faces.

"Wow," Niall says to Connell as he sees the ring

"So you guys are like really fucking serious?" Joanna says to Connell as she inspects the ring

"More or less, yeah," Connell says with a slight chuckle

"Connell, are you sure about this?" Joanna asks Connell in a serious tone

"Guys, I have never been more sure of anything in my life," Connell says to both Niall and Joanna

Both Niall and Joanna embrace Connell and wish him luck and he leaves the cafe and makes his way back to his and Marianne's apartment

Connell stops for a second before opening the door to the apartment. He begins to have many thoughts running around in his mind. He then decides that he has done enough of those type of things whenever he and Marianne have been together, and he then thinks about his unborn daughter and walks in through the door.


He then sees Marianne relaxing on the sofa in the living room watching a documentary about Irish politics in the sixties, seventies and eighties.

"Alright?" Connell asks Marianne

"Where were you all afternoon?" Marianne asks Connell

"Ah, just had to do a few messages, you know," Connell tells Marianne

"Ok," Marianne says to Connell

Connell then sits down next to Marianne, he puts her head on his shoulder and thinks that this is the moment to ask her

"Marianne?" Connell asks

"Yes?" Marianne says

"Can I ask you something?" Connell asks Marianne

"You can ask me anything, Connell," Marianne says to Connell

Connell takes out the box, but hides it from Marianne, takes out the ring and holds it in his hand

"Hold out your hand," Connell says to Marianne

"Alright," Marianne says

Marianne holds out her hand, Connell then puts the hand that has the ring in it onto her hand, and let's go.

Marianne then opens her hand and sees the astonishing engagement ring and she knows what Connell is asking her

"I was going to do the typical, you know, get on one knee do the whole speech thing, but I also thought to myself, you and I have never been one for doing things that most people do, now have we?" Connell says to Marianne

"No, you're right Connell," Marianne says with a chuckle in her voice

This is a few seconds of silence between the two

"Yes," Marianne says to Connell

"Yes, what?" Connell asks Marianne

"I will marry you, Connell," Marianne says to Connell as she cries happy tears, as does Connell

Connell then grabs Marianne the head and kisses her passionately over and over again and Marianne returns the passion in her kisses. They then break apart.

"Connell?" Marianne asks

"Yeah," Connell says

"May I ask you something now?" Marianne asks

"Yeah, sure, go ahead," Connell says

"Do you think I'll be a good mother, I mean I didn't really have a good one myself now did I?" Marianne asks

"Yes that may be true but I told you this before Marianne. Remember you asked me if I thought you would be a bad mother and I said, no, you'd be great, obviously. You're great at everything you do. And that I would support you no matter what you decided. And now we are going to have a daughter to raise and I want to be there for my daughter" Connell says to Marianne

They kiss a few more times before making themselves their dinner and relaxing for the rest of the evening.

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