September 2017

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This week Marianne begins her term at the private all-girls school. On Wednesday of that week, she arranges a meeting with the principal after the school day is finished. She walks into his office, sits down in the chair.

"What was it you wanted to discuss with me, Marianne?" The principal asks

"Well sir, I was wondering if I could go on maternity leave?" Marianne says

"Oh, you're..." The principal starts

"A few weeks pregnant. Yeah" Marianne says

"Well, would you mind doing the rest of this week, then you can go on your maternity leave." The principal asks

"Oh yeah of course," Marianne says

"Thank you very much, Marianne," The principal says

Marianne then gets out of the chair and walks out of the office. She then goes back to her classroom to gather up all of her stuff. She then goes into the car park, gets in her car and drives back to her apartment. She walks in and sees Connell is in the living room adding finishing touches to his novel

"I thought you have finished that story," Marianne says whilst laying her head down on his lap

"I was but I'm just going back over it a few times to see any grammar mistakes and even to see if I can add anything to any one of the chapters," Connell says whilst running his fingers through Marianne's hair.

"Well it's very good, I think it's brilliant," Marianne says

"Yeah but when I was learning about this in New York, I was told that when you are writing never think that you have written a masterpiece, always try and sees ways to improve your story, and that is what I am doing at the moment," Connell says

"But anyway, how was your day?" Connell asks Marianne

"Yeah, pretty normal day. A few bumps in the road but nothing I couldn't handle." Marianne tells Connell

"Sounds like you're enjoying this job," Connell says

"Yeah well, it's a well-paid job, summer holidays off and I only have to teach one subject," Marianne says

This forces Connell to let out a chuckle. The two are then silent for a few minutes. Marianne then thinks about telling Connell that she is pregnant

"Connell?" Marianne says

"Yeah?" Connell says

Marianne pauses and thinks about what she is about to do

"Nothing sorry," Marianne says to Connell

"It's alright," Connell says

"Actually I just remembered," Marianne says

"What is it?" Connell asks

"Do you mind if I have Joanna around tonight?" Marianne asks Connell

"Well you don't need to ask me, Marianne, but yeah it's no problem," Connell says with a chuckle

He kisses Marianne before getting up

"And I won't be here tonight, I'm going out with Niall so you and Joanna will have the place for the evening," Connell says to Marianne

"Ok that's no problem," Marianne says to Connell.


Connell leaves the apartment to go to Niall's place at around 7:30. Joanna then arrives at Marianne's apartment at around 8:12. Marianne greets Joanna, asks her to go into the living room, Marianne then makes Joanna a cup of tea. Then joins Joanna in the living room.

"So when are you finishing up with work?" Joanna asks Marianne

"I am finished on Friday" Marianne answers Joanna

"Where's Connell tonight?" Joanna asks

"He is with Niall tonight, so it's just us," Marianne says

"How did he react when you told him?" Joanna asks

Marianne doesn't respond to that question. All she does is continue to drink her cup of tea.

"You haven't told him yet have you?" Joanna asks

"Alright, not yet, I haven't, no" Marianne admits

"Why not?" Joanna asks

"I'm scared by how he will react" Marianne confesses 

"What do you think he is going to do? Leave you? Not be a responsible parent? You do know that he will eventually start asking questions when you don't go to work and when you begin to show your baby bump" Joanna says

"Yeah I know," Marianne says

"Just tell him, Marianne, seriously," Joanna says

"Alright, I'll tell you what. When he comes home, later on, I will tell him. I promise" Marianne says

"Now you're talking," Joanna says whilst lightly laughing

Marianne lets out a chuckle. The two then continue on talking about other things for the rest of the night. At around 10:21 Joanna decides to leave, at around 11:32 Connell walks in through the door of the apartment. For an hour Marianne has been playing over many scenarios in her head over how will Connell react when he finds out he is going to be a father.  

"How was your evening?" Marianne asks

"Yeah good, how was yours?" Connell asks

"Yeah pretty good as well," Marianne says

Marianne pauses for a few seconds

"Connell?" Marianne says

"Yeah?" Connell says

"There is something I need to tell you," Marianne says

"Ok. What is it?" Connell asks

Marianne doesn't say anything all she does is give Connell the pregnancy test. She awaits Connell's reaction to finding out that he is going to be a father.

"This is real right?" Connell asks

Marianne nods whilst tears slowly fall down from her eyes

"It's real," Marianne says

"What's wrong?" Connell asks

"You don't want to be with me now do you?" Marianne asks whilst sobbing

"What makes you think that?" Connell asks

"I don't know," Marianne says

Connell then gets up, walks over to Marianne and embraces her

"You're not angry?" Marianne says

"God no. Why would I be? I mean, I'm gonna be a dad! And you're going to be a mum" Connell says

Connell then cups Marianne's face and kisses her with as much passion as he has. They then break apart, and Connell puts his right hand on Marianne's stomach. 

"How many weeks are you?" Connell asks

Marianne thinks for a little bit

"About four or five weeks pregnant," Marianne says

"Have you been to a doctor yet?" Connell asks

"A few times yes" Marianne admits

"And what have they said so far?" Connell asks

"That myself and the baby is healthy," Marianne says

"You know that I would never leave you, Marianne. And that you are carrying my child, I could never ever leave you both. Look, I never had a dad growing up. So when I was younger, I made a promise to myself, that if ever had children, I would always be there for them" Connell tells Marianne

Marianne kisses Connell with all of the passion she has

"Thank you," Marianne says

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