December 2017

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Marianne and Connell are spending Christmas at Lorraine's once again. Marianne is slowly beginning to see her herself with her proper family. She can't remember the last time that Denise treated her the same Lorraine does every time. She can't ever remember having a nice Christmas at her old house compared to what she has been experiencing at Connell's household for the last three years. 

Connell is talking to his cousin about the footballing season, whilst Marianne is helping Lorraine clean up.

"I'm glad my son choose you," Lorraine says to Marianne

"Chose me for what?" Marianne asks Lorraine

"That he is being serious about a relationship with someone" Lorraine explains

Marianne then forces a chuckle out of her. She then all of a sudden feels a small kick in her stomach. Lorraine notices that something is up with Marianne

"Marianne?" Lorraine asks

"It's the baby. I think it's kicking" Marianne says with a smile on her face

"Do you want to feel it?" Marianne asks Lorraine

Lorraine then moves towards Marianne, puts her hand on her stomach and waits for a kick. Lorraine doesn't feel anything for the first few minutes but then she feels a kick. This causes her to gasp in shock. 

"Jesus fucking christ," Lorraine says whilst tears falling from her eyes

Back with Connell, he is still talking to his cousin about football whilst playing FIFA 18

"Look I'm telling you now mate, we are going to do good in Europe," Connell says 

"No freaking way you are doing that well in Europe" Connell's cousin says

"Well it looks like we will be doing better than you guys," Connell says

"Come on man, this is Manchester United we are talking about," Connell's cousin says

"Yeah exactly and I'm telling you, you guys are not cut out for European football just yet," Connell says

"Excuse me, but Klopp, your manager, hasn't won a single European final in his whole career yet has he? Whereas our manager, Mourinho, has won the competition twice with Porto and Inter Milan" Connell's cousin says to him

Connell then holds his hands up

"Yeah those are very good points but are you telling me you can stop Pep's Manchester City because if I'm being honest, I don't think any team can stop them," Connell says

"Yeah that's the only thing about this season, I don't think anyone is beating Man City this season" Connell's cousin admits

"Right, come on, let's finish this game," Connell says to his cousin.

Later on that night, both Marianne and Connell are lying beside each other. Connell finishes reading the chapter of the book he is currently reading.c

"Connell?" Marianne asks

"Yeah?" Connell says

"Put your hand on my stomach," Marianne tells Connell

"Alright," Connell says

Connell then puts his hand on Marianne's stomach and waits for a few minutes until he feels a kick. Connell then looks up at Marianne in shook and starts laughing lightly in joy. 

"My God," Connell says in amazment

"It's amazing is it not?" Marianne asks

"It's fucking bonkers," Connell says with a chuckle in his voice

This causes Marianne to start laughing. Connell then puts his hand behind her head, pulls her close and kisses her passionately.

"I love you so much, Marianne," Connell tells her

"I love you too," Marianne says back to Connell

They then kiss one last time before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Marianne, Connell and Lorraine are then out in town for a walk for themselves. They walk for about thirty minutes before they come across Denise doing some errands for the day. Both Marianne and Connell see Denise, Connell then holds Marianne's hand as he knows she is going through a rough patch with her mother.   

"Denise," Lorraine says whilst nodding at Denise

Denise just looks at Lorraine and continues to walk forward. When Denise comes face to face with Marianne and Connell, she stops in her tracks when she spots Marianne's stomach. Denise then just scoffs and looks down at her daughter

"I should've known that you'd be this unresponsible" Denise says to Marianne

"What do you mean?" Marianne asks Denise

"Stop playing the games Marianne, you know exactly what I mean," Denise says 

"Don't you even care? I mean, you are going to be a grandmother!" Marianne says

Denise then chuckles at what Marianne has just said

"Be a grandmother to a child who is fathered by that pathetic fucking excuse for a man, who is depressed and is fucked up in the head?" Denise says whilst looking at Connell

Ever since this has begun, Lorraine has been standing back, not wanting to interfere. But when Denise mentioned Connell in that regard, that is when she had enough.

"DONT YOU DARE SPEAK TO MY SON LIKE THAT!" Lorraine shouts at Denise

"Oh, what are you going to do about it? Let me ask you this Lorraine, did you ever tell your son who his father is?" Denise asks Lorraine

Lorraine doesn't respond to what Denise is asking

"That's what I thought. Should I tell you why you have never told your son about his father? Because you are embarrassed, aren't you?" Denise says to Lorraine

Marianne finally snaps

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING BITCH MOUTH" Marianne shouts at her mum

This shocks Denise

"What did you just say to me?" Denise asks Marianne

"I said, shut up. You know, Lorraine, she has been more of a mother to me than you ever have been. She is good, kind and she listens to me, when have you ever done that to me? All you have ever done to me is judge me, criticize me and put me down. And in regards to Connell, I love him, as I have never loved anyone else. Every other guy I have been with has abused me, but Connell is nice and treats me well. And we are having this baby, whether you like it not. Understand?" Marianne says, finally standing up to her mother.

Marianne and Denise have a stare off for a few seconds before Denise decides to walk away. Marianne then looks back at Connell with tears falling from her eyes. Connell rushes over to her and embraces her tightly.

"I'm so proud of you" Connell whispers in Marianne's ear whilst kissing her forehead

Marianne then turns her attention towards Lorraine

"I'm sorry about what she said to you both" Marianne said whilst looking at Connell as well.

"You have got nothing to be sorry about, love" Lorraine says to Marianne

"You did nothing wrong, Marianne," Connell says to Marianne

"Come on let's go. And trust me, I think you are better off without her and your brother" Connell says to Marianne

"Yeah, your probably right Connell," Marianne says

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