April 2017

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In the last few weeks, Marianne has begun to settle into her new job as a history teacher. A few of her students give her a hard time but nothing she can not handle. She and Daniel have begun to talk about going to Italy for the summer holidays. Marianne is hoping this year's holiday to Italy will be a better one than the one with Jamie and Peggy. She is also, planning on inviting Niall, Joanne, and Connell with them. She wants to rekindle her friendship with Connell, but in her mind, she wants him to date her again, and this time without anything getting in the way of their relationship. 

Marianne asks Connell to come round to her apartment, one day, just to keep her company, whilst she is grading tests.

Connell walks up to her apartment door, rings the doorbell, and waits for Marianne to answer. Marianne opens up the door and welcomes Connell in. 

"Can I, uh, get you a drink?" Marianne asks Connell

"Uh, tea will do fine thanks" Connell answers

Connell walks into an empty kitchen and watches Marianne make a cup of tea for Connell and then one for herself.

"No Daniel?" Connell asks

"No, he's at a meeting," Marianne says

She finishes making the cup of tea for Connell and herself. They both then decide to drink them in the living room. 

Connell is working on his latest novel, whilst Marianne is grading tests. Marianne then looks up at Connell and admire how he is writing his new story. She then looks back at the test papers she needs to grade.

"How do you do it?" Marianne asks Connell

Connell looks up to see Marianne looking at him

"Do what?" Connell asks

"How do you do this, write, talk about almost anything so confidently, and always choose the best people to be your friends?" Marianne asks

"Well, that's not entirely true is it?" Connell says

"What do you mean by that?" Marianne asks

"Well, just looking back on it now, I don't exactly think I surrounded myself with the best people back in Carricklea," Connell says

"You mean Eric, Rob, Kiernan, and Jack?" Marianne asks

"Kind of, now don't get me wrong they are not how they were like back in school, now, you know, but I just think, maybe I could've surrounded myself with people who actually understood me," Connell says

"Do you mean someone like me?" Marianne asks

"I suppose, yes," Connell says

"Well I mean look at you now. Niall is one of the best people I think you have chosen to be your friend. Whereas, with me, I haven't been the best at picking people in the past have I?" Marianne says

"You can not be blamed for the way Jamie and Peggy treated you, you couldn't have known," Connell says

"Maybe so," Marianne said

There are a few moments of silence between the two before Marianne asks Connell...

"Myself, Joanna, and Daniel are going to Italy in June this year" 

"Really? Sounds like you will a better time this year than before" Connell says

"Do you and Niall want to join us?" Marianne asks

"Oh um...." Connell starts

"Do you have something on this summer?" Marianne asks

"No, it's just, are you sure I won't be intruding?" Connell asks

"Not at all, Connell," Marianne says

"Alright, I will come with you to Italy and I will ask Niall," Connell says

"Really?" Marianne says whilst grinning

"Really," Connell says whilst almost laughing

Connell and Marianne begin to talk for another hour until Marianne is finished with grading the tests, Connell then says he needs to be somewhere soon, he then thanks Marianne for the company and the cup of tea and says goodbye to her.


After Connell leaves, Marianne finishes the last test paper to be graded. She then decides to put on the TV and wait for Daniel to come back. After watching the TV for about 2 hours, Daniel finally walks through the apartment door. 

"Marianne?" Daniel asks

"In here!" Marianne shouts

Daniel walks into the living room to see Marianne lying on the sofa watching a show about the 1916 Easter Rising. 

"How was your day?" Daniel asks

"Fine. Had Connell around here earlier" Marianne tells Daniel

"What?" Daniel questioned 

"I had Connell around here earlier" Marianne repeats herself

"Oh, ok," Daniel says

"Do you have a problem with him?" Marianne asks

"I never said I do" Daniel trying to convince Marianne

"Then what is it then?" Marianne asks

"Why all of a sudden are you getting so fucking bitchy?" Daniel asked in a defensive tone

"Excuse me?" Marianne asked in a loud tone

"You heard me" Daniel shouted back at Marianne

"What is your fucking problem?" Marianne asked Daniel

"Oh, I have no problem. But what I do have is a, supposedly, girlfriend that I don't completely trust" Daniel trying to explain

"And why is that?" Marianne asked

"Because Joanna told me all about him. Where he comes from. What school he went to. What college he went to. And, you're going to like this one" Daniel said with a small smirk on his face

"Which is?" Marianne asked

"Who he has dated before" Daniel revealed

Marianne is silent for a few seconds before...

"Alright fine, we hooked up back in school, in our first year in Trinity, and when I came back from Sweeden, but I have known him longer than you, Joanna, and Niall, so he is a friend," Marianne said

"And what exactly do you mean by a friend?" Daniel asked

"Oh don't start this game," Marianne said with frustration in her voice

"What game?" Daniel asked

"The one where you think the absolute worst of me. And just you know I invited Niall and Connell to join me, you and Joanna to Italy" Marianne revealed

"Why?" Daniel asked

"Cause I want Connell to be there" Marianne shouted at Daniel

"Alright fine, do whatever you want," Daniel said whilst holding up his hands in the air

Marianne sits back on the sofa, takes a massive sigh, and continues to watch the documentary about the 1916 Easter Rising. Whilst she was watching the documentary she was thinking of doing the same thing she did with Gareth. Dump him and then go straight back to Connell, but she remembered what happened when they first hooked up with each other when they were in Trinity, in their first year. She decided to think about it over the next couple of weeks.

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