Janurary 2017

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Connell is in his apartment packing the rest of his stuff. Today he goes back to Dublin. He puts his last bunch of clothes in his suitcase, closes it up, takes his keys, takes one last look at his tiny apartment. It was never a nice apartment, but Connell didn't mind because it did the job for him. He then goes downstairs, into the streets of Manhattan. He walks up to the end of the street and waits for a taxi to come by. Minutes go by and still no sign of any taxi picking him up. 

"Connell!" Someone yells out at Connell

This gets Connell's attention, he looks around and sees Michelle walking towards him. He smiles and waves at her. Whilst Michelle is walking towards him, Connell is thinking to himself "Should I tell her about Marianne or?"

"Hey Connell, how are you doing?" Michelle asks

"Oh yeah fine, how about yourself?" Connell asks

"Yeah, alright, what are you up to?" Michelle asks

"I'm heading back to Ireland, today" Connell answers Michelle's question

"Oh...." Michelle says with disappointment in her voice

"What's wrong?" Connell asks

"Why did you not want to go out with me?" Michelle asks

"I never said I didn't," Connell says

"But it's obvious isn't it, Connell, I mean I have spent months asking you around all you do is say "next time", that's all you say to me, so I will ask you again," Michelle says

"Why did you not want to go out with me?" Michelle asks, once again.

Connell sighs heavily and decides to tell Michelle

"The truth is, I am not in love with you Michelle, I'm sorry but I'm just not. The woman I love is back in Ireland, living her life, she is the one who told me to come here, and before I left, I told her that I loved her and that I was never going to feel the same for anyone else, ever again" Connell explains to Michelle.

"What's her name?" Michelle asks

"Her name is Marianne," Connell says

"So you go back to Ireland and you tell her just how much you love her," Michelle says

"It's not as simple as that, unfortunately for me," Connell says

"And why is that?" Michelle asks

"She has moved on from me, she did the one thing, that I could not. She has a new boyfriend" Connell tells Michelle

"Then try and get her back," Michelle says

"That's a lot easier said than done," Connell says

"Yeah but if you love her, you should tell her," Michelle tells Connell

"But what about her new boyfriend?" Connell asks

"Don't worry about him, let Marianne worry about him, for now, you just focus on her, and try and get her back" Michelle says

"Ok, thanks Michelle, and good luck in the future," Connell says whilst giving a quick hug goodbye

"Good luck Connell with Marianne," Michelle says whilst he is getting a taxi.

"JFK International airport," Connell says to the taxi driver


Back in Carricklea, Marianne is with Lorraine, helping her with the shopping. Marianne decided to stay with Lorraine for Christmas and the new year, at least until she needed to back to Dublin, to start her new job as a history teacher in an all-girls school in Dublin. Whilst she was staying with Lorraine she slept in Connell's room every night, she wanted to feel close to him and she believed that was the best way to do so. The place where she and Connell made love for the very first time. 

"When do you need to back to Dublin?" Lorraine asks Marianne

"Tomorrow, actually," Marianne says

"Really? Wow, if I'd known this was your last day I would've done something for you" Lorraine says

"Oh, it's no bother," Marianne says to Lorraine

They continue to shop for a few more minutes until, when they are at the checkout, Denise, Marianne's mother walks into the shop. Both Marianne and Lorraine just stare at her in shock. Marianne hasn't spoken to her or her brother, Alan, in over a year. Denise sees Marianne and just looks at her with disappointment. Marianne decides to try and talk to her mother. She turns to Lorraine

"Would you mind taking these out to the car?" Marianne asks Lorraine

"Are you sure, love?" Lorraine asks Marianne

"Yeah, I'm sure, thanks," Marianne says

And with that Lorraine takes the bags and walks out of the shop. Marianne then approaches her mum

"Mum" Marianne says

Denise looks toward her direction and shows no emotion.

"Hello," Denise says in a cold tone

"Look, mum" Marianne begins

"Don't bother Marianne, you haven't spoken to me or your brother in over a year, you didn't come round to ours for Christmas or the new year! HOW DARE YOU!" Denise yells at Marianne

"How dare me?" Marianne asks in a confused tone

"Yes, how dare you," Denise says back

Then Denise just walks away from Marianne, leaving her standing in the middle of an aisle alone. Tears slowly fall down Marianne's face but also thinks to herself that her mother and brother are not worth getting upset over. Marianne walks back to Lorraine. Lorraine can quickly tell that something bad happened. 

"What happened?" Lorraine asked in a concerning tone

"Nothing," Marianne said

"Forget her, sweetheart" Lorraine says whilst embracing Marianne

"Come on, let's go back to mine, shall we?" Lorraine asks Marianne

"Yeah, I'd like that, thanks," Marianne says

They both then put the shopping bags in the boot of the car, get in, and drive back to Lorraine's house.

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