November 2017

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Today is the day that Connell and Marianne go to the doctors to get the first ultra scan of their unborn baby. Marianne has already begun to show a bump. Connell is by the apartment door, waiting for Marianne to join him. She then comes out of the living room and then grabs her coat.

"Ready to go?" Connell asks Marianne

"I don't know," Marianne tells Connell

"What's wrong?" Connell asks

"I'm just nervous" Marianne admits

"No offence Marianne, but I think something would be wrong if you weren't nervous," Connell says

Marianne lets out a small laugh and gets into the car with Connell.

The drive feels like a very long one for them both, but more so with Marianne. They then arrive at about 30 minutes before they're appointment is meant to take place. They are then waiting in the waiting room with around 4 other couples.

"What do you want it to be?" Connell asks Marianne

"I really don't mind either way Connell, honestly because as long as it is yours I don't care what it is," Marianne tells Connell

A doctor then comes into the waiting room and says "Mr Waldron and Ms Sheridan?"

Both Marianne and Connell stand up from their chairs and follow the doctor into the room for the ultra scan.

The doctor asks Marianne to lie down on the bed, unbutton her shirt for the doctor to put the lotion on her stomach. Connell sits next to Marianne and holds her hand every step of the way. The doctor then hooks up the ultra scan machine and then up to the transducer. The doctor tells them that everything looks good so far, Marianne and the baby looks healthy.

The doctor moves the transducer around Marianne's stomach for a few minutes before saying

"And there you go." The doctor says to Marianne and Connell

Both Marianne and Connell look up at the monitor to see the outline of an embryo. This causes Marianne and Connell to cry tears of joy. Connell then reaches over to Marianne and kisses her.

"Thank you very much," Marianne says to the doctor whilst tears are falling from her eyes

"Do you know the gender?" Connell asks the doctor

"Just give me a sec," The doctor says to Connell

The doctor then continues to move the transducer around Marianne's stomach for another few minutes

"It seems like Ms Sheridan, that you have a baby girl on the way," The doctor tells Marianne and Connell

"A girl?" Marianne asks

"A girl!" Connell says

The doctor then gives them a picture of the scan, they then thank the doctor for helping them and they then decide to go home.

When they walk through the door, Connell grabs Marianne, embraces her and then kisses her and then puts his hand on her stomach.

Later on, Marianne and Connell are cooking dinner for themselves.

"Marianne?" Connell asks

"Yeah?" Marianne says

"Would you be up for visiting Carricklea this weekend?" Connell asks

"Sure, I'd love to," Marianne says

"I want to tell my mum," Connell tells Marianne

"I do as well," Marianne tells Connell

Connell then holds Marianne close to him and continues to help her with the dinner.

Connell and Marianne are now on their way to Carricklea to visit Lorraine and tell her the news. Connell arrived at his old house at around 6:48 pm. Connell and Marianne get out of the car, both are wearing large puffer coats, due to the icy cold temperature.

"Don't be nervous. She is going to be over the moon." Connell says to Marianne, just before entering the house

Lorraine then opens up the door and welcomes her son and Marianne into the house. Marianne and Connell walk into the kitchen, with Marianne still wearing her coat to cover her baby bump.

"Cup of tea anyone?" Lorraine asks Connell and Marianne

"Yes thanks," Connell says to Lorraine

"Please, thank you," Marianne says to Lorraine

Lorraine is halfway through making the three cups of tea when...

"Mum?" Connell says

"Yes, Connell?" Lorraine says

Connell then grabs Marianne's hand

"Myself and Marianne have something to tell you," Connell says

"Well, go ahead," Lorraine says to both Marianne and Connell

Marianne then unzips her coat to reveal her baby bump, Lorraine then has her hands over her mouth as tears begin to form in her eyes

"Mum, you're going to be a grandmother" Connell reveals to Lorraine

Lorraine then runs straight to her son and embraces him, she then turns her focus to Marianne and embraces her as well.

"Do you want to see the picture of the scan?" Marianne asks Lorraine

Marianne then hands Lorraine the picture of the scan

"Oh my fucking god! Do you know the gender?" Lorraine asks Marianne and Connell

Marianne nods

"A girl," Marianne tells Lorraine

Lorraine embraces Marianne once again

"When are you due?" Lorraine asks Marianne

"Um, sometime in March, I think," Marianne tells Lorraine

The three then continue to talk for another hour and a half about the future for themselves and their future daughter.

The time is now 9:23 pm, Marianne and Connell are hanging out in Connell's bedroom and Lorraine has begun her shift at the hotel she works in. Marianne is lying on Connell's bed reading, whilst Connell is downstairs listening to the radio whilst drinking a can of beer.


Connell then recognises the song that is being played on the radio and then comes up with an idea. He grabs the radio, puts the beer can down on the kitchen counter and begins to walk up the stairs towards his room. He then opens his door and turns off the lights. Marianne then looks at Connell at a confused look. He then sets the radio down on his desk, walks over to wear Marianne is now sitting on the bed. Connell then holds out his hand.

"May I have this dance, Ms Sheridan?" Connell says

Marianne then takes his hand, stands up and comes inches from Connell's face. They begin to slow dance to the song. They continue to do so throughout most of the song

"This my attempt at apologising for the Debs incident. This how I wish it went" Connell tells Marianne

"You don't need to make up for anything Connell" Marianne tries telling Connell

"I know but I just want to this," Connell tells Marianne

"I understand," Marianne says

Connell then kisses Marianne passionately.

"You know Marianne, I'm not a religious person, at all, but I do really believe that God made you for me," Connell tells Marianne

"I know just what you mean Connell, I feel the same about you, I always have felt that way," Marianne says to Connell

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