Chapter 13

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Kuroo Tetsurou

"Have fun guys" Y/N waved at us as we were leaving for Miyagi after school.

"Do you think he'll buy it if I pretend to be sick now?" I heard Kenma whisper to Y/N.

"Kyanmaa! I can hear you. Don't even try and get in the bus" I warned him and he sighed.

" I wish I was Y/N. I could spend my weekend sleeping instead of going to this volleyball practice" He whined as he headed to the bus.

"Hey! I am offended" Y/N yelled while Kenma paid no attention to her. 

I laughed and Y/N glared at me.

"It's not funny Tetsu" She furrowed her brows, pouting.

"It is" I continued laughing.

" Whatever!! Bye" She huffed as she started walking away.

I grabbed her and brought her to the corner where no one could see us. I kabedon her against the wall.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"I couldn't go knowing you're upset with me" I told her.

"I am not upset. I was just annoyed that you were laughing" She pouted and my heart melted.

Few months ago when I said there could be no romantic relationship between me and Y/N, I was so wrong. 
 The day I kissed her, I have been over the  moon. The confusing feelings were confirmed, I had feelings for her that too strong ones.

I was such a fool for not noticing my feelings for her until that kiss. 

I want to confess to her and make officially mine but not in an ordinary way. I want to do something special so She'd remember it forever. So I'll prepare something special in upcoming days.

"Stop pouting else I'll kiss you" I told her as I controlled my expression.

"Liar. I know you'll kiss me nonetheless" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes" I laughed and leaned in to give her a kiss.

We were middle of making out when I heard Yamamoto shout my name. He was looking for me. I groaned as I pulled back.

"Go back Captain, you teammates desperately needs you" Y/N teased me.

"Miss me" I grinned and she rolled her eyes.

She took out a wet tissue and ran it across my mouth. 

"My lip gloss was smeared on your lips" She showed me the pink on the tissue. I wouldn't mind people knowing though.

"Bye" I stole one last kiss before leaving as I heard Yamamoto yelling; torturing his vocal chord.

After few hours of bus ride, we were finally in the Inn resting. It was already 10 pm and the guys minus Kenma were tired so they went back to sleep.

Kenma was doing his usual so I had to confiscate his switch. 

"Go to sleep" I ordered and he glared at me before going inside his blanket covering his face.

I got inside my futon and checked my phone before sleeping. There was no text from Y/N. I was Kinda disappointed but I kept the feeling to myself and went back to sleep.

Next day we had practice match with Karasuno. It lasted longer than we had thought. The orange haired kid ; Hinata Shoyo had too much stamina and it challenged ours too.

"Here. Have some energy drink" Karasuno's Second manager handed me the energy drink.

"Thank you -" I tried recalling her name.

"Tsubaki Aiko" She told me and I nodded.

"Thank you Tsubaki-san" I repeated and she nodded.

She sat beside me silently.

"Don't you need to stay with your team as other team manager?" I asked as I went through my phone, looking for text from Y/N.

"No. I am not the team manager. I am friends with Kiyoko so I just came to help" She muttered.

"Ah! okay" I nodded.

"Say Kuroo-san, aren't you curious why I came to talk to you?" She asked me after staying in silence for twenty minutes.

Not exactly. But I didn't want to be rude so I ended up being polite.

"Why is that Tsubaki-san?" 

"Oh! I heard from people you were into science  and I am myself a science nerd so I wanted to be friends with you" She told me something I never expected. 

I mean I have never met someone who was interested in science as I was so it was big news.

"Which part do you like most?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"Oh I like Chemistry and part of physics; quantum mechanics" She told me and I nodded smiling.

"I like chemistry too" I told her and she nodded.

We were talking about things when coach announced it was time to go already.

"I had fun talking to you" I said as I stood up.

"Me too. You want to exchange numbers? we could text sometimes" She asked and I handed her my phone.

"See you later Tsubaki-san." I waved as I exited the gym.

"Hearing you talk about someone that too like this definitely something new Kenma" I heard Y/n's voice as I entered Kenma's room after showering.

The staff of inn made some technical mistakes so the big room we had booked fore team was booked by someone tonight so we were given single room upgrades.

"Yeah whatever" Kenma mumbled as he heard her.

"So apart from this great game, what else did you do?" She asked Kenma.

"All we did was play. I am so tired" Kenma groaned and I chuckled.

"You know what I am going to play game, talk to Kuroo" Kenma shoved his phone to me.

"I'll call you from my phone" I said and hung up.

"Don't stay up too late, we're leaving early morning  practice tomorrow" I told kenma as I gave him his phone and walked to my room while face-timing Y/N.

 "Heyy" She greeted me as soon as she answered.

"Missing me yet?" I raised my brow as I gave her a teasing grin.

"You wish" She laughed and lay on her bed.

We were talking about how she woke up at noon today and how unproductive her day was.

Then we shifted to what we had for dinner, then some other things and without realizing in the middle of talking we both fell asleep.

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now