Chapter 4

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Sato Y/N

A week has already gone by. That day in my bedroom was the last time I talked to Kuroo. He hasn't bothered exchanging words with me after that. Well I am glad but at the same time the part of me who likes him is sad and I can't do anything either.

These days I am totally dependent on Kagami Taiga. I spend my pocket money on his burgers and this guy carries me up and down these stairs. You could say we've grown closer.

There were moments my classmates thought there was something going on between me and him. Well someone of them still haven't changed their opinions but then who cares.

"Hey Y/n?" Kagami called out for me.

"Yes?" I tilted my head at him.

"I have to leave school early today so I can't take you down the stairs and Kuroko's absent so there's no one to help you down" Kagami looked uneasy.

"Oh! It's okay. I'll manage, don't worry about it" I smiled at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me looking unsure.

"Yes Bakagami, I'll be fine. Don't worry for little things" I assured him and he just nodded.

Two hundred long minutes later, classes were finally over. Taiga was long gone. I packed my bags slowly and waited for people to leave so the crowd doesn't push me and I end up dying.

I held the clutches by both side and tried walking in them. 

Keyword: Tried.

I looked down the stairs and I don't know why or how but a sudden fear engulfed me. What if I end up falling and dying?

I took a long breather and tried descending down the stairs. First two stairs, It was all good. As I descended the third stair, my clutches lost balance and I prepared for another fall down the stairs.

Thankfully I didn't fall. Someone was holding me from back clasping their arms around my waist.

I was suddenly lifted by feet into arms like bridal style. I looked up to see Kuroo Tetsurou. Ofcourse it had to be him.

"Do you even realize how dangerous that was Y/n? Do you want to break your other leg? " Kuroo nagged me as he descended downstairs.

"Would it kill you to ask for help? If Kagami left that doesn't mean others won't help you. Couldn't you come and ask me for help? Is your ego that big huh?" He continued nagging me and I swear my ears hurt.

We were at the bottom of stairs with my one clutch broken and other one lying on the floor. Guess I am getting another scolding when I get back home.

"You can put me down now. I'll walk" I said in low voice scared Kuroo would nag me again.

"How? with that broken clutch? Let's just go to Volleyball court. I'll take you home after practice" He said, well more like ordered.

I had no say in that since I can't move on my own anyways.

Kuroo brought me to the volleyball court.

"There were rumors that you were over this Chemistry nerd. Was it a lie Y/N?" Yaku asked me as he saw Kuroo carrying me in.

"I'm over him. I broke my clutch so had no choice be carried here" I defended myself as Kuroo put me on the bench, a bit harshly, if I may add.

"How?" Yaku sat beside me and I ended up describing the whole incident to him.

"Yaku, stop slacking and let's practice" Kuroo hissed at Yaku, making Yaku glare at him.

"Whatever chemistry  nerd" Yaku snickered and walked to practice.

Thirty minutes into practice and familiar "Hey! Hey! Hey!" echoed through the gym. Fukurodani was here was practice match.

Last time I remember, I dated Bokuto just to make Kuroo jealous. Kuroo didn't get jealous but I ended up breaking Bokuto's heart and we never talked again.  I am definitely not making the same mistake again.

"Kubro" Bokuto ran to fist bump with Kuroo.

"Brokuto" Kuroo fist bumped and did that side bump thingy.

Akaashi and Kenma just bowed a little acknowledging eachother's  presence. Konoha, Washio, Sarukui and komi went up to Yamamoto , Yaku, kai and Fukunaga. 

Strangely the managers Yukie and Kaori weren't here. I wonder what happened. Not like I can ask them. This is the first time we're meeting.

The practice match started. An hour later, Nekoma had won 3 sets and Fukurodani had won 5 sets. Well what can I say about the Top 5 ace of Japan and the mystic player of MSYB Jackals.

It was 20 minutes break so Kenma was sitting beside me, playing on his switch. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! My name's Bokuto Kotaro. What about you?" Bokuto extended his arm to introduce himself.

"It's Sato Y/N" I smiled at him, shaking his hand.

"Say Y/N-chan, do you want to go on a date sometimes? You're really pretty so I'd like to make you my girlfriend" This guy was both blunt and shameless.

"I'd rather have you as friend" I smiled at him, remembering the past.

"Hahahahaha. You got friend-zoned Brokuto" Kuroo laughed like hyena.

"Well we can start as friends. I'll make you fall for you later on" Bokuto gave me his charming smile and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Flirty Bokuto was rather intriguing. 

Little did I know Kuroo had an obvious frown as he heard me laugh at Bokuto.

Last set of the day and Nekoma ended up winning it. Kuroo was rather pissed for some reason. Bokuto waved me goodbye and left with rest of Fukurodani boys. 

"I'll change and come. Then let's leave" Kuroo said and I nodded.

He and Kenma came back after changing. 

"Kenma lend me your shoulder, be my clutch" I told kenma who was busy playing his game.

"No! two days ago when I became your clutch you ended up tripping us both" Kenma straightly declined.

"Ask kuroo" He said and walked ahead.

Kuroo reached for me to carry me but I stopped him. 

"Just be my clutch. I'll walk" I told him and tried reaching his shoulder but turns out I am too short.

"Just let me carry you. It'll be convenient for both of us" He said and carried me with him.

"Bye Y/N, Bye Kuroo" Kenma waved as he walked inside his house. I waved back smiling at him.

Kuroo continued carrying me inside my house. He placed me on my bed and then sat beside me taking a deep breathe.

"Man my arms are numb" He muttered as he opened and closed them for few times.

"Well you were the one who continued carrying me even though I told you several times to put me down" I shrugged. 

"Thank you though. For both saving me earlier and carrying me home" I muttered in a low voice, actually feeling grateful.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry" He ruffled my hair as he stood up.

"See you tomorrow" He waved as he left me with my fluttering heart once again. 

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now