Chapter 18

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Sato Y/N

It's not like we dated or something. I mean we sort of did but it was never official. I knew he would be with her as soon as we get to college. So Why am I this heartbroken?

I and Tetsu were never meant to be anyways. Why am I being such a idiot and crying over something that's already decided.

Shouldn't my ego be satisfied that this time I did have fling with him unlike in the past when he ended me ignoring my feelings for good? 

Why am I so messed up? Why does this jealousy keep getting at me???

It was middle of match when I walked inside the gymnasium where Basketball game was  being held. Kaijo was leading by 3 points. Our school had 45 points. 

The ball was with Taiga while he was being blocked by two players of Kaijo.

"Crush them Taiga" I yelled to cheer on him.

He turned and our eyes met. He gave me his cheeky smile as he yelled and dunked the ball earning us two points.

The game continued and we were neck to neck with Kaijo. We were at 98 and they were at 99. Only 30 seconds were left before the game would be over.

The ball was with Kuroko. He ran and passed it to Taiga who made a huge leap. He was practically in the air as he did the meteor slam. The buzzer went off as It showed  our school won.

The whole gymnasium went loud. Taiga was yelling like a mad man as he high fived every member. 

He fist bump Kuroko and walked towards the bleachers where I was sitting. He raised his hand for high five and I gladly returned it with a smile. He clasped his fingers with mine and pulled me into hug. 

I froze not knowing what to do.

Unlike volleyball club, Basketball club had only one match.  

"I thought you were going to watch Volleyball match Y/N-chii ?" Kise asked me as he walked up to me after the closing ceremony.

"Changed my mind" I shrugged.

"Just like that?" He enquired.

"Yes and stop annoying me now" I rolled my eyes at his nosiness.

" Something seems fishy though" He raised his eyebrow in suspicion .

"Whatever" I glared at him as I walked to my friends.

"So mean Y/N-chii" I could hear him whine but I had no intention of bothering with him.

"Do you want to go and grab something to eat? I am famished" Taiga said as he came back changed into his regular clothes.

"Yeah cool" I nodded following him outside.

School had organized all these food stalls so we grabbed some foods from there only. Taiga got himself a footlong sandwich and coke while I and Kuroko got the basic one with milkshakes. 

"So what happened?" Taiga asked me as we were eating.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked him, genuinely confused.

"You went to watch Volleyball game but came back in the middle of our games?" He raised his eyebrow. " Also to mention the puffed eyes you have" He added.

"I just felt like watching Basketball game so I came. No other reasons" I lied.

"You know I won't buy that" Taiga muttered.

"Just some shit  that wasn't supposed to happened. Can we like not talk about it; I want it off my mind for now" I sighed and Taiga nodded understanding. 

After eating  we didn't have anything to do so we went to watch soccer match that was scheduled at the moment. After soccer we went to watch baseball and then Table tennis. We were basically game hopping to kill our time.

It was around 5 pm when the official announcement of tournament ending were announced. I sighed in relief that we were finally done.

"Should we leave?" Kuroko asked after the announcements.

"Give me like ten minutes. I really need to go bathroom" I told him and he nodded.

"We'll be waiting by the corridor" Taiga said and I gave him  a thumbs up.

I was washing my hands after I was done with my business. Another girl stood beside me as she was washing her hands too. I didn't pay attention to her until she started speaking.

"The team was looking for you" Tsubaki said but I ignored her instead.

"Sato-san. I am talking to you" She put her hand on my shoulder. I just removed her hand as I closed the tap and decided to walk away.

"Why are you so arrogant? Will it kill you answer me" She said as she stopped me by grabbing my hand again.

"Get a hint that I don't want to talk to you" I rolled my eyes as I said the words rudely. Well, I am not obliged to be polite to people I dislike.

"I am talking nicely to you so why are you being a bitch? Will it hurt you to talk nicely" This dumbass literally followed me. 

" Who are you calling a bitch?" I turned to face her as I glared at her whilst grabbing a fistful of her hair.

"The hell" She groaned as she went for my hair. 

"I was just talking to you because you leaving the game bothered the team, they were low during the whole match" She tried guilt tripping me.

"Did I ask?" I grit my teeth as I pulled her with force.

"You're a horrible person" She spat as she pulled my hair with equal force.

"What the hell are you doing Y/N?" Kuroo came yelling. Just great. The only person I didn't wanted to see came.

As she saw Kuroo coming, she let go of my hair. Talk about being two-faced.

"Let go of her hair Y/N" Tetsurou was fuming.

Already taking sides now Tetsu?

"Whatever" I scoffed as I let go her hair with force which made her loose balance and fall flat on the ground.

"The hell is wrong with you" He yelled as he came infront of my face.

"I don't have to tell you" I said bitterly as I walked away.

Taiga was waiting at the end of corridor. I marched towards him, held his hand and pulled him away before anyone could stop me.

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now