Chapter 7

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Sato Y/N

Two weeks have already gone by. The terminal exams are over and now we're having summer break.  I was supposed to go for family vacation with my parents but my mom cancelled at last minute as always.

I was thinking dad and I could go for staycation or something but Mr. Sato has business meetings to attend. 

"Why don't you stay at Kozume residence? I am sure you'll have fun with Kenma. Mrs. Kozume told me Tetsurou was staying over as well" Dad said after dropping his meeting bomb on me.

"But I wanted to spend summer with you" I whined like a five year old kid.

"I am sorry muffin. I and Mom have business meetings" He looked sad. 

" I'll go at Kozumes'. Stop making that face" I said and a smile popped on his face.

"Don't cause trouble for Mrs. Kozume and be a good girl" Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hai Hai" I said as I wanted inside the gate of Kozume residence. Dad waved as he watched me leave.

I rang the bell and Mrs.Kozume greeted me.

"Y/N it has been so long since I last saw you. You should've visited often" She said and pulled me into a hug.

"Make yourself comfortable. You can put your luggage in the room besides Kenma's room. Hangout with Kenma and Tetsu. I'll call you guys for dinner" She told me and I nodded.

I put my luggage in the room I was supposed to stay and walked to Kenma's room. Both Kenma and Kuroo were playing games.

"Oh! Y/N you're here" Kuroo was the first one to notice.

"Yeah" I said as I walked to Kenma's bed and sat there.

"How's your leg?" Kenma asked me without diverting his attention from game.

"As good as new" I said as I scrolled through my phone.  He hummed and continued playing. I was in my own world scrolling through instagram.

"What are you doing?" Kuroo whispered in my ear scaring the shit out of me.

"You rooster head, stop scaring me like that" I hit his shoulder as I almost had an heart attack.

"I've been lying beside you for ten minutes now. You just noticed" He countered.

"Yeah sure" I said as I scrolled down instagram again.

"Oh damn" escaped my mouth involuntarily as I saw Taiga on my Screen.  This guy was enjoying his vacation in America with rest of his family. He definitely is muscular. 

I mean look at those abs! Damn boi.

I mean look at those abs! Damn boi

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"What?" Kuroo asked confused.  His eyes landed on my screen and his eyebrows furrowed. 

I was about to comment he looks hot as joke but this rooster head snatched my phone before I could press post.  The hell is his problem.

"The hell Kuroo. Give back my phone" I shrieked as he took my phone.

"Take it if you can" He put it higher laughing and I grit my teeth in irritation.

"Kuroo Tetsurou give my fucking phone back"  I yelled as I practically jumped on him. 

"Try me" He smirked as he raised it much higher. Can I slap the shit out of him? 

I kicked his soleus making him land on Kenma's bed. I was kabedon-ing him on the bed. I reached for my phone but this guy kept tossing it from left and right; being all sneaky. Ugh!!! I am losing my patience now.

"You know what? keep it. " I gave up annoyed. I climbed down my bed and sat beside Kenma who was playing game not paying an ounce of attention to what was happening.

"What?" Kenma asked softly as I tugged his T-shirt.

"Kuroo stole my phone. Ask him to give it back to me" I pouted.

"He does that to me. I have no power" Kenma shrugged and I sighed.

"Children time for dinner" Mrs.Kozume yelled from downstairs.

"here" Kuroo threw my phone at me. 

I caught it and we all went downstairs to eat. Well Kuroo had to pull Kenma to eat.  Mrs. Kozume had prepared feast for us. The table was filled with Miso soup, Kakuni bossam (braised pork), grilled chicken with Yuzukosho and rice.

My mouth watered at the sight.

"Itadakimasu" I muttered as I started eating.

After dinner we had some ice-cream since it was getting hot or at least that was Mrs.Kozume's excuse to eat ice-cream after dinner.

"Don't stay up too late" Mrs. Kozume told us as she called it a night.

"Goodnight kids" She waved and walked towards her room across the hallway. 

I, Kenma and Kuroo headed back to first floor where we'll be staying. 

"Let's watch movie after we wash up" I said as I walked inside my room to to take bath. I took my night dress and walked inside bathroom. My bathroom was missing bodywash. I didn't bring it with me either.

I walked to Kenma room to borrow the spare bodywash I saw in one of the drawers in his bathroom.

"Kenma I am getting the spare bodywash" I announced as I walked inside his bathroom.

"Kuroo is inside, showering" Kenma said but It was already late.

I was inside the bathroom and Kuroo Tetsurou had just removed his shirt. His glorious upper naked body blessed my eyes.

 His glorious upper naked body blessed my eyes

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I kept gawking at his fitted body.

"Snap out of babygirl"  He said as he waved his hands infront of me.

"I bodywash spare" I was so dazed that I couldn't form a sentence.

"You what?" He laughed sexily and I felt hotter. 

Shit! Shit! Shit!! feelings are coming back. Control Y/N. Stop!!!

" There was no body wash in my bathroom so I get to get spare one" I breathe out with difficulty. The sight infront of me was making it difficult for me to even speak.

"Oh is that so?" He said as walked closer and reached for the spare bodywash. 

"Here" He handed me and my hand trembled at his touch.

"Be careful else you'll drop it" He said and made me grab the bottle with of my hands.

"Mine's better that Kagami's right?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"What?" I breath out again.

"Isn't mine better?" He took my left hand and made me feel his rock solid abs. As my fingers touched his skin, I grew red blushing.

"I need to go" I sprinted out of the bathroom running back into my room feeling embarrassed and hot at the same time.

Kuroo Tetsurou why are you doing this to me!!

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Where stories live. Discover now