Chapter 1

882 21 4

Sato Y/N

Only stupid people go to wedding of their first love and that stupid people is me. Chasing after your first love for almost ten years and they get married to someone else. You wanna know how it feels? It feels terrible.

First year of Highschool and I fell for the jerk that didn't even glance at me. I wonder if I had not met him that day then would my life be any different?  Maybe I wouldn't be suffering like I am now. If only I could go back to past and fix everything.. If only..

Nonetheless I am still showing up at his wedding. I have definitely lost  last bit of self respect that I had.

I hurried to get to the venue. As I was crossing road something hit me hard and before I could realize everything turned pitch black.

I woke up to really bad headache. White ceilings were the first thing that came into my sight. I moved only to feel something heavy on leg. I looked down to see a cast on my right foot.  Great, this was the only thing left now.

Wait? Why am I wearing Nekoma's skirt?

I was wearing a red dress.

No ways I actually travelled back in time. I mean what are the chances anyways?

My phone was lying on the nightstand . I looked for the date which gave me a heart attack. It was 19 September 20__ (It's up to you). Holy shit! I actually travelled back to second year of high school.   but I don't remember breaking my leg in high school?

"Y/N are you finally awake?" I heard my father's voice.

"Yes" My voice cracked and I ended up crying for no particular.

"Muffin? are you okay? does your leg hurt a lot? Let me go get the doctor. Kuroo look after Y/N please" My dad practically ran.

I finally noticed Kuroo Tetsurou who was standing by the gate. 

"Here" He passed me the tissue. 

I glared at him as i took the tissue a wiped my tears. As if it was flashback from movie the scene when I broke my leg flashed before my eyes.

I was running towards kuroo when he dodged and I ended up loosing my balance and falling down the stairs before everything turned black.

"Are you still in pain?" He asked me and I just glared at him. Whose fault is it? both for my physical and emotional pain.

" OKay?" he trailed off feeling confused.

10 minutes later my dad came with the doctor. They gave me painkillers and discharged me. I was on the way back home with dad and Kuroo Tetsurou was with us. 

Did I mention we were neighbors?

"Kuroo can you take Y/N inside and take care of her until her mother comes back home? I have really important meeting " Dad said and I internally groaned. 

I mean I am supposed to be happy because the 'Kuroo Tetsurou' will look after me but I am not. Because I know this guy will never return my feelings or at least he didn't for last 10 years. 

It's better if I move on now that I am given a chance to.

"Yeah sure thing. Rest assured" He smiled at my dad and helped me out.  I didn't want the help but I don't want my dad to worry either.

When we moved into this house I was so pumped to get a room on the top floor but I wanna cry right now. Climbing flight of stairs with broken foot is like climbing mount Everest now.

"Stop being stubborn now and let me help you" Kuroo sighed as he lifted me in his arms and climbed up the stairs.

I wanted to protest but if I move then both of us will end up falling down the stairs and die. I don't wanna die, not this early.

He lay me on my bed as he put my foot on pillow so I could be more comfortable. This is the thing I love and hate at same time. He takes care of me really nicely. He makes me feel giddy and then ends up disappointing me the next day.

"Do you want to take a nap ?" He asked me as he sat by my foot.

"No" I retracted. 

"Just give me my phone from my bag and leave. I can manage by myself" I added and he looked at me in disbelief.

Nonetheless he brought my phone from my bag and handed me.

"Leave now" I said as I pointed at the door.

"Why are you being so rude today?" He questioned looking all confused. I could feel the rage rise.

"It doesn't matter if I am rude or polite. I don't want to see you ;so just leave Kuroo" I sighed as I suppressed my rage.

"Kuroo?" He repeated in bewilderment. " Oi Y/N did you hit your head? I have never heard you call me by my last name for last 3 years. What's with this all of sudden" He added without changing his expression.

"Yes I fell and I came into right sense. I learned treating someone who dodged instead of saving me as stranger is a better deal" I retorted. I mean I can't mention his wedding .

"You know it was an accident" He defended himself.

"Yeah sure" I rolled my  eyes. " Now leave my room. I don't want to spend my precious time with a douchebag" I pointed at the door for second time.

"Act as much you like Y/N but last time I checked you were confessing your love for me. I am pretty sure you'll come back talking to me" He laughed. He freaking laughed.

"That's a misunderstanding. I don't like you anymore. Precisely I decided not to like douchebag you." I yelled without realizing. " SO JUST LEAVE"

"Geez stop being loud. I am leaving" He stood up and walked up to the door before stopping.

"About you not liking me anymore. We'll see how long it'll be" He smirked and walked away leaving me all mad by myself.

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang