Chapter 14

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My exams are finally over so I'll start with the updates again :)


Sato Y/N

"Wake up already" Kuroo whispered in my ear but I continued sleeping.

"Y/N wake up" He was practically whining as he buried his face on my neck. 

"Let me sleep" I groaned as I tried to face the other way but this guy was holding me so tightly that I couldn't even move.

"Wake up" He whispered and I felt the tickling sensation on my neck. 

"Wake up" He repeated and the sensation repeated too. I opened my eyes as I laughed from that sensation.

"Good morning~" I yawned as I moved him away from my neck.

"It's evening, you sleepyhead" Tetsu gave me a kiss on cheek as he sat up. 

I reached for my phone to see the time and he was right. It was 6 pm already.  

Damn that's too much of sleep now. I remember waking up at 11, eating something and falling back asleep again.

"When did you get here?" I asked him as sat on my bed with him.

"An hour ago. You were snoring" He laughed.

"Yeah sure" I snorted.

" I am going to shower" I announced as I got my clothes. 

"Do you want to join?" I teased Tetsu.

"You don't have to ask twice" He grinned as he took off his tshirt. My eyes widened and blood shot my cheeks as I saw him taking my joke seriously.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!! Calm down your hormones wild cat. I was just joking" I muttered and he frowned his brows.

"You're such a tease" I heard him complain as I walked into bathroom.

After shower we both were tired so we decided to hangout in my house instead. We watched  binged ' The originals ' for nth time. 

"Klaus is so hot" I fangirled.

" Even though He has murdered uncountable number of people?" Kuroo asked me as he had that strange look plastered on his face.

"Yes?" I answered. 

"Wasn't it Han Seojun few days ago??" He tilted his head.

"It still is. It's Just that Klaus and Seojun fall in different categories!!" I started my fangirling. 

"What about Kuroo Tetsurou then?" He asked me in midst of my fangirling.

"Who is that?" I decided to play around.

"Sounds like wild cat's name to me" I laughed.

"Wild cat huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Let me show you what a real wild cat is" He let out a sexy laugh as he hovered over me.

"Want me show you?" He whispered as his hot breathe fanned over my face.

I was literally blank. My body temperature started raising as I heard him whisper sexily. I was literally growing weak over that sexy voice.

"Should I ?" he was practically an inch away. 

I could barely hear anything, my attention was on his lips. The urge of kissing them grew stronger.

I looked at him one last time before kissing him. He didn't take time in kissing me back. He leaned a little closer and titled his head, kissing me more sensually.

"I thought I was the wild cat?" he smirked in between the kisses.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes and pulled him in for another kiss.

"Cook for me. I am hungry" I murmured as I kissed his jawline for bribe.

"No" He said as he laughed annoying.

"Please!!!" I kissed neck this time.

"You're such a pain" He groaned as he sat up. 

I smiled in victory.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as he got off the couch we were cuddling at.

"Lasagna?" I suggested.

"Something that's fast to cook " He sighed.

"Sandwich?" I asked and he nodded.

"Avocado chicken or plain chicken?" He asked me to choose.

"Avocado chicken with garlic bread a little toasted with mayo  " I told him.

"This is not subway" He rolled his eyes and walked to kitchen to make me food.

"Really? I thought it was" I said in sarcasm and he gave me the 'shut up else I am not making you food' look and I had to oblige cause I was really really hungry. 

"This is so delicious" I moaned in delight as I ate the sandwich.

"Eat more then" Tetsu smiled and handed me the plate.

I was eating  and having conversation with him when his phone buzzed. He didn't pay attention to it and continued our conversation.

Five minutes later it buzzed again. Twice though.

"Must me important, check it" I told him as I ate last bit of my sandwich.

He nodded and checked his phone.

He typed something before putting it on side.

"It is a friend from Karasuno" He told me even though I didn't ask. I mean I was curious but not that bad.

I nodded and we continued talking.

"Do you want to stay over? My parents aren't coming home tonight" I asked Tetsu as I was getting tired.

"What you suggesting? Y/N you naughty naughty" He smirked as he made that meme sound from tiktok.

"Shut up you pervert. I was talking about cuddles and sleep." I deadpanned. 

"If you don't want to then whatever"  I added as I shrugged my shoulder.

"I never said I didn't wanted to" He pointed.

"Good" I said and pulled him to my room with him.

"C'mere" Tetsu opened his arms as lay down on my bed. 

I rolled and went into his chest.

"You smell so nice" We both said simultaneously and laughed.

We were talking about random stuffs enjoying eachother's company when his phone buzzed again.

He didn't move though.

"Not checking?" I yawned as I snuggled closer.

"Nah! Not important right now" He said and hugged me tighter.

I smiled and hummed as I heard him continue talking.

I was slowly getting drowsy.

"Y/n?" He called me and I hummed in sleep before blacking out.

"I just wanted to say  I love you" He confessed but I was already asleep.

Mission: Avoid First love  (Kuroo x Fem!Reader x Slight!Kagami)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant