Chapter 3

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Allura POV

We had finally gotten sorted into our houses already. I got Gryffindor and Sage was in Hufflepuff. It's all good though we can still hang out. Of course, Verose was excited and Celeste just smirked at me. When we got to our rooms I roomed with Verose and Celeste.

"So how's your schedule lookin chicas," Celeste asked peering over our shoulders

"It seems like half of my classes are with Sage, one with Verose, and the rest alone" I answered

"Ooo Sage" Verose purred

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I turned to Celeste who was scratching her head in confusion.

"Who is Sage? That sounds like a type of herb. Y'all talking about herbs? See I knew y'all were about to weird"

"Sage is this guy we met on the train" I answered

"Oh, I know who you're talking about. That cute little redhead with those dark hazel eyes in Hufflepuff.  I can tell he is gonna be fine when he hits the fourth year"

"Bloody hell, okay you two can discuss who's cute or not I'm going to roam the school yeah?" I got up leaving

They giggled as they began to talk about different spells to use. I went to sit near the benches in the hallway when I saw Kai and Avery. I was going to go sit when I saw another person near them. I hid behind a wall trying to eavesdrop.

"I'm serious Kai we need to drop this or else it could worsen into something even worse" Avery shakily said

"After I find out what he is doing I will stop talking to him" Kai answered

"Do you want to really become a death eater Kai Torres" he quietly asked

What is a death eater? Sounds bad

"You idiot shut up ...someone could hear you and no!" The cloaked person looked around until they spotted my foot

"Who? Nicolas Flamel" Avery asked now raising his voice

Kai nudged Avery pointing with his eyes at my shoe.


I began to take off my shoes and tiptoe back to my dorm when all of a sudden I felt dizzy. I began to fall but caught myself against the wall. I felt a hand on my shoulder roughly turn me around.

"Allura?" Kai furrowed his brows

I closed my eyes and my legs gave out. I fell and Kai automatically grabbed me. He picked me up slowly by my arms and I eventually felt my legs being lifted and a hand on my back.

"Shit shit go find Mrs. Morris" Kai frantically said. I soon felt everything go black and Kai's voice fade away. I woke up to see a red ceiling similar to the girl's dorm. I sat up and saw that I was in a Gryffindor dorm, probably the boys being that it was different from the girls.

"Oh you're awake" Avery happily said from another bed

Kai was sitting on the edge of the bed with a small smile.

"Do you remember anything before you blacked out," Kai asked

I then started to remember a flask of light hit me before I turned and Kai and Avery talking about death eaters. I looked up at Kai and Avery with a skeptical look. Avery furrowed his brows at me.

"What," he asked

"Nothing, I don't remember anything. Why are you hiding something from me" I lied

"Oh no it's nothing just asking" Kai shook his head

Kai and Avery stared at me without saying a word.

"What" I chuckled nervously

"Did you hear anything when you came by the corner of where Avery and I were" Kai asked

I shook my head and furrowed my brow.

"What would make you ask that" I blinked

"I saw a shoe by the corner than you. When you turned back you had no shoe on"

Ah shit

"Oh then I don't know what your talking" I calmly said

Avery squinted his eyes at me while Kai stared at me.

"Okay" He got up

"You can stay here with me and Avery if you want or go back to your dorm"

"No, I am okay ill just see you in the morning" I got up and started to make my way to the door

"Goodnight" Avery yelled as I closed the door

That was close

I opened the door and saw Celeste swaying her hips back and forth as she sang foreign words holding a hairbrush. Verose was laughing as she was cheering her on. My ferret was fast asleep on my bed paying no mind to them. I shook my head as I went to change my clothes.

"Oh your back where were you," Celeste asked looking at me

"Probably looking for her side"

"Who's the main?" Celeste

"Ronald" Verose answered

"You guys can stop with that now"

They continued to chat while I laid beside Ash thinking about Kai and Avery.

What is a death eater? That sounds so odd

I shook the thought out of my head for now drifting off to sleep. The next day at school was a pain. The school was huge and Sage and I could barely find any of our classes. We got detention for coming late to our classes which were stupid being that we were lost. Kai and Avery were being even more distant than usual which didn't surprise me. They were probably dealing with that death eater thing. I didn't tell Verose about what they were talking about. Instead, I was watching them. This year is going to be quite intriguing.

During my free period, I got a note from Ron's Owl.

Dear  Allura

This week has been hectic. This school is humongous and I've been late to almost all of my classes. Besides that, I met Draco Malfoy. He is such a twat saying that Gryffindors are the worst and Weasleys are poor.  He doesn't like muggle-borns or half-bloods either. I wish someone threw feces in his face. On the other hand, Harry is now the youngest seeker thanks to Draco and his stupid ways. We also found out there is a three-headed dog in the school on the third floor guarding something. We figured that it had to deal with the random person in the newspaper that was trying to steal from the vaults. Anyway Allura I hope you are doing well and I shall see you for Christmas. If I don't see you then I'll see you for the summer. I love you

From Ronnie

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