Chapter 12

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Two years later

"Okay everyone, I have news" One of the Seventh years yelled

Everyone stopped speaking giving all their attention to him.

"The Triwizard tournament Is in two weeks and Dumbeldore has invited three schools to Hogwarts. We are one of those schools,"

Students started to whisper to each other excitedly.

Hogwarts...Ron is at Hogwarts!!

I then began to smile to myself but soon stopped.

Seventh years can only go

I then began to frown when he continued to speak.

" You might be saying to yourselves,' You idiot we can't go'. Well, that's where you are wrong lads. Mr. Flamel said that at least 8 dancers can go. I have the names right here," He pulled out a parchment with names written on it

We all looked up intensively waiting for him to say those 8 names.

"Now those going to Hogwarts are...Celeste...Sage...Verose...Jake...Dame...Me...Ramona and lastly" He said looking for something

Please say Allura. Please say Allura. Please say Allura

"And Jolie" He finally said

I felt my mood drop and began to frown. A hand was placed on my shoulder, I looked up to see Verose with a sad smile on her face. I turned to look at Sage and Celeste giving me the same look. For the rest of the day, I sulked as I heard my peers talk about the Triwizard tournament. Verose tried to cheer me up with sweets and distracting me with studying but, every single time there was someone around talking about the damn tournament. I eventually just spent the rest of the day in my bed skipping lunch and dinner. I woke up at 4 in the morning and turned to see Celeste and Verose in their bed fast asleep. My stomach started to make noises so I picked up Ash and started to make my way to the kitchen. I saw Jolie coming down the stairs heading in the opposite direction as me. I sighed as she waved at me, I waved back. I saw her start to fall down the stairs. I stood frozen not knowing whether or not to laugh or run towards her holding Ash in my arms sound asleep. When she reached the last step I heard a crack causing me to sprint to her. I put Ash in my robe pocket before I went to help Jolie up off the ground. She yelled out in pain with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my Lord, Jolie I am going to need you to stop screaming this instant and tell me where the pain is"

She obeyed and pointed to her knee and back. I widened my eyes as I tried to figure out how I'm going to take her to the infirmary. I decided to put her arm over my shoulder as I picked her up bridal style. She winced as her knee bent a little. Ash had awoken from all the movement and climbed up from my pocket to the top of my head. I walked all the way to the infirmary praying that Mrs. Morris was there. She wasn't. I opened the door and placed her on one of the beds.

"What are y-you gonna do n-now" She sobbed looking at me

"I'll figure it out"

Now what am I going to do

I heard footsteps behind us and turned to see Sage rubbing his eye. He stopped in his tracks to look at Jolie and me.

Burning Pile - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now