Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up beside Ginny who was peacefully sleeping with drool on the side of her mouth. I turned over and felt my side ache with pain. I winced holding my side as well as my hip with the other bruise. I looked at the bed in the corner to see no Verose.

I guess she woke up already

I got off the bed yawning, I rubbed my eyes to adjust to the light coming in through the window. I got up and stretched before going to my suitcase to get the healing gel to put on my side and hip.

Trigger warning: Abuse and harassment are present in this flashback. You can skip to where it says end of flashback


I laid on my bed with my wand in my hand pointing it at my ceiling. It was winter break and I came home to spend Christmas with my mom and Stan. I repeatedly kept saying 'Lumos'  for light and 'Nox' to turn off the light. I turned over to look at Ash in her cage playing with a small red ball.

"At least one of us is having fun" I sighed

I turned to my window to see that it had finally gotten dark. I looked down at the rode to see my older brother talking to a cloaked person. He seemed awfully angry though. His nose was flared and his fist was balled by his side as he continued to speak to the mysterious person. He was about to say something else when the cloaked person slowly looked up at me. I ducked so they wouldn't see me. I stayed down for a while until I felt they weren't looking anymore but to my surprise, they were gone. I furrowed my brows as I closed my blinds and laid back down. The clattering inside Ash's cage had stopped. It was awfully quiet...too quiet. I turned to her cage to see her staring at my door as if expecting someone to enter the room. I eventually heard footsteps towards my door and then the door slowly began to open it. Maybe it's Kai. It wasn't Kai, instead, it was Avery.

"Hey Princess, I'm going to be going out for a while and I won't be back until the morning. Kai isn't here but mom is asleep"

I nodded and he smiled before leaving.

"I guess that just leaves me," I said

"And me"

I quickly turned to see Stan by the door with a smirk on his face. I nodded and before I could ask him what he was doing here, he came into my room and gave me a certain look that made me stiffen up. It was a cold and lust-filled look that made me want to cover myself up even more and hide. He slowly inched closer to me after closing the door and locked it. He started to mess with the bottom of his stained shirt still staring at me. He had finally gotten close to me to where I could smell the alcohol stench off his clothes. He seemed sober which confused me even more. He pulled out his wand and pointed it to the ceiling swishing it in a circle as he muttered a spell I knew all too well.


"Stan your d-drunk just go to be-" I got up to go to my door. He stepped in front of me automatically. My heart began to beat faster and faster as I proceeded to move farther but he wrapped his arm around my waist this time chuckling.

"Not this time Allura, I'm sober,"  said Stan lowly. I froze feeling my breath start to fasten.

"Meaning I know what I am doing, Ill even remember this when I wake up "

Burning Pile - Ron WeasleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora