Chapter 8

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It was now almost time to go back to school for the Weasleys so we all waited for their note from Hogwarts to come back with the books needed to come. Ron has been worried about Harry since he sent his first three parchments to him and received nothing back. He assumed they were holding him held hostage so he and the twins planned on getting him with Arthurs bewitched car. I decided to tag along to see the famous Harry Potter in the flesh. Percy and my brothers knew of the plan but decided to mind their business. Though Percy scolded us about the plan and getting Arthur in trouble with the ministry of magic, George and Fred convinced him that it was worth it somehow though. We waited for a little after dinner to sneak down to the shed to get the car. The twins went up front and Ron and I went to the back.

"What if he has bars on his window cause of his uncle and aunt?"

The three gingers looked at each other for a second before George lightened up and went out of the car for a moment. He came back a moment later with a rope with a clutch at the end of it.

"Ok then let us go"

"I got the snacks"  Ron showed the bag full of sweets with a cheeky smile


Hours had passed and we were almost neared Potter's house. George switched spots with Fred so he could sleep. Ron was laying on my lap eating some of the snacks while I combed my fingers through his hair. Ron and I have grown closer ever since we started "dating". He became more caring towards me, gives me advice when needed, and whenever I am being distant or don't want to talk, he would just stay beside me and study with me. Every time I am near him I feel like we are the only two people in the room. Maybe it's just happiness, yeah that's it. I stopped fondling his hair and he frowned.

"Why did you stop" He whined

"I don't know," I lowly said. He grabbed my hand and put it back onto his red hair. I chuckled and continued stroking his hair. He smiled once more and so did I. I looked up to see George looking at us through the visor. I squinted my eyes at him wondering why he was staring for so long. He eventually stopped and grinned as he took a turn.

"We're here" George announced

Ron sat up automatically with a wide smile. I turned to look at the window as well to see Harry sitting on his bed. I didn't get a good look at his face cause of the bars on his window. Why the fuck are there bars on his window? He really does live in a prison. Wonder how they treat him... George woke up Fred with a shove and before grabbing the rope.

"Alright Ronnie, go get your boyfriend," Fred said

Ronald sighed and opened the door knocked on his window. Harry opened his window stared at him in awe.

"Hello Harry" Ron happily greeted

"Ron, how did you- What the?" He stuttered

Ron grinned at Harry while his mouth was open at what he was seeing.

"All right Harry?" asked George

"What's been going on? Why haven't you been answering my letters? I've asked you to stay about twelve times, and then Dad came home and said you'd got an official warning for magic in front of muggles-"

"It wasn't me- and how did he know?"

"He works for the Ministry," said Ron

Burning Pile - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now