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Luna- 7

It was late December in Chicago, which meant two things. One the winter was here, the cold air was harsh and brutal. Snow fell from the sky and blanketed the city. The second thing, Christmas time.

Houses were decorated, stores were decorated and filled with people. The mall was filled with people shopping. In the center of the mall kids were lined up to see Santa. And that's where Will was with his daughter.

Will had held his daughter's hand, when he looked down at her she was the most beautiful gift of all he could ever get. As she was getting older she looked more and more like him every day. Her fiery red hair was getting longer, they had some curls in them. She had big brown chocolate eyes like he did. Some of the facial features were her mother but the rest was all him.

Luna was dressed in a green dress, it had complimented her red hair. She had on white tights and red dress shoes. The seven year old was beautiful.

Will's legs were tired and sore from waiting in line for so long, it felt as if it wasn't moving. Before they knew it, the line moved and soon it was Luna's turn. Her father smiled while watching her. He already knew to make copies, Maggie and April would want them and go on and on how Luna looks, how her outfit is, etc. He would definitely give one to his brother. One was definitely going into his locker.

He always kept a picture or two in his locker, when he worked nights and he couldn't be with his little girl he'd go to his locker to look at her pictures. It's what got him through his shifts.

While the little girl was telling Santa what she wanted and Will watched, Jay popped up behind his brother holding a tray cup. "Figured you could use some caffeine"

Turning the older Halstead saw his brother. "You're a lifesaver"

"How's this going?" Jay drank some coffee.

"Besides my legs aching for standing so long, it's good. Luna was really excited to come today"

Jay saw the biggest smile on his niece's face when she was getting the pictures taken. "She is really happy. You're a great dad Will. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

"I really appreciate Jay. And I really appreciate all your help"

"That's what family is for. I'd do anything for you and for Luna"

"Speaking of, did you wrap the presents?"

"They've been wrapped and put away"

"You're the best brother ever"

He smirked. "I know"

Luna was finished with her pictures as she ran back over to her father. "All finished daddy"

"Hey munchkin" Jay greeted his niece.

"Uncle Jay!"

She ran to hug her uncle. He stumbled back a bit. "Careful kiddo, I don't wanna spill my coffee"


"What did you tell Santa you wanted for Christmas?"

"It's a secret"

He smiled. "Really?"

She nodded. "Do you wanna help me and daddy put up the tree when we get home?"

"I'd love too"

After paying for the pictures Will grabbed them and the small family went and ate. Once lunch was finished and they cleaned up they had headed home. Will had pulled out the Christmas tree and started to put it together.

Luna HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now