Mommy Dearest

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 Luna- 10

Will couldn't believe his daughter was now 10, ten long years had passed since he became a single father. He loved and cherished every moment of it. Luna was his everything, the smile on his face, the air in his lungs, his heartbeat, more importantly, his soul. Things were perfect for the older Halstead.

He had a great job and career, he was getting closer to Natalie, he had his little girl and brother. Life was perfect for Will. Until someone from his past returns.

One morning Jay had taken his niece to school, Will came home after a long exhausting shift and went straight to bed. Whenever Jay was with his niece he had always kept his guard up. Nobody was gonna hurt his niece to get to him or his brother. Not a chance in hell.

A woman in a car had kept her distance from the young detective's car, she had been talking to the youngest Halstead. Today was gonna be the chance she would see her. Or so she hoped so. It was Luna's mother, Gia. She had finally returned for her daughter. She had just followed Jay's car.

Jay caught the car in his rear view mirror, he didn't say anything around Luna he didn't wanna upset or possibly scare her. That and Will would most likely kill him. He played it cool and dropped his niece off as usual. Gia had parked her car but didn't see Jay's. She lost him.

A loud knock broke her from her thoughts, playing it cool she rolled the window down.

"Yes?" Gia spoke smoothly.

"Any reason you following me?" Jay asked.

"I don't know what you mean"

"You can answer my questions here or I haul you down to my district. Take your pick"

She sighed. "My name is Gia Kyle. I'm Luna's mother"

The young detective had stopped entirely, had he just heard that correctly? His niece's mother? Will had only ever mentioned Gia maybe once and that was when he moved back to Chicago and showed up at his brother's door. He already knew once he was in his car he had no choice but to call Will.

"Look, I don't know about you but I do know enough that you abandoned my niece when she was a baby and left her on my brother's doorstep. Do yourself and all of us a huge favor. Leave Chicago and never come back. Leave Luna alone. Leave my brother alone. They're doing perfectly fine without you"

"You don't understand"

"I understand enough"

"You'll regret doing this"

Jay had cocked an eye at that. "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't make threats. I make promises"

"Step out of the car"


"Step out of the car"

She rolled her eyes, just as she was out he cuffed her. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You threatened a Chicago Police officer"

"You... You're a cop?"


"If you let me go, I'll leave Chicago and never come back"

"How can I be so sure you'll actually do it?"

"You gotta trust me"

"Yeah, not happening"

"I guess we'll see each other around Detective"

"Keep away from my brother and niece. I'm not playing around"

Once she was out of the cuffs she had taken off, Jay hopped in his car and went to the district. He practically ran inside and up to the squad he headed straight for Hank's office closing the door. The older Sergeant looked from his files to his detective.

Luna HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now