Daring Rescue

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*Picks up from previous chapter*

Luna- 10

Luna had been missing for almost 6 hours, Will was at the district with his brother still he hadn't left yet. He couldn't. He didn't wanna go home without his little girl. It wouldn't feel right. Jay had brought his brother some coffee and food, the young detective knew his brother wouldn't sleep. Not without knowing Luna is safe.

"Hey man, I brought you some coffee and some food" Jay said softly to his brother handing him the stuff.

"Thank but, I'm not hungry," Will replied.

"You need to eat, keep your strength up"

"It's getting dark out. Luna still gets scared every so often. When she was little she'd have me check under her bed for the scary monsters she said she always saw"

"You know I will get her back. We'll find Luna. I don't care if I have to tear this whole damn city apart. I will find Luna and bring her home"

The older Halstead felt his body trembling, he felt as if he wanted to cry again. "I..I feel so lost without her Jay"

Jay couldn't stand to see his brother in so much emotional pain, his brother was going through a parent's worst nightmare. Not knowing where Luna was crushed him. He wrapped his arms around his brother. Will very loosely held his brother as he started to cry again.

Gia had gone outside for a cigarette she still couldn't help but blame herself for this. Her daughter was taken because of her. Because of what she had done. She took a deep inhale of the cigarette and blew the smoke out. She let out a small sob as she looked at the now night sky.

"Please, I'll do anything. Anything you want just please. Don't take my little girl. If you wanna punish anyone, punish me. Not Luna she's a little girl. She's still just a baby. Whatever it is you want I'll give you. Just bring my little girl back" She cried as she stared at the bright twinkling stars and bright moon.

Erin had gone outside to check on her and overheard her talking. All of her anger had melted away. Gia had admitted what she's done and is now paying the price. The young distraught mother had looked to see Erin.

"I don't wanna say I abandoned Luna. I left her with Will because when I got pregnant I was trying to clean up and get my act together. I didn't smoke, do drugs, drink, I made sure Luna was born healthy and safe. I gave all that up for her. I wanted to turn my life around for her. After I left her with Will I managed to get into a treatment program. I hadn't used in 10 years. I was sober all these years. I ended up at the bar because I was angry. 10 years of sobriety down the drain. I wanted to prove to Luna I was ready to be her mother now that I got my addictions under control. When she shoved me and said I wasn't her mom" She choked up. "I wanted to crawl into a hole and die"

"Why didn't you go to Will for help at the time? He would have helped you and you could have still seen Luna" Erin says.

"I didn't want myself around a baby in the condition I was in. I did stupid stuff when I got high and drunk. I couldn't endanger my baby. I'd never forgive myself. I didn't wanna be around Luna until I was clean, sober and I could trust myself again"

"If you really wanna make a change I can help you but you've gotta want it for yourself. Not just for Luna. You've gotta want it"

"Why would you wanna help me? Earlier you were tearing my head off and now you wanna help me"

"Because I was like you at one point without the baby. My mom, she got me high and drunk all the time when I was a teenager. When I was 15 a cop and his wife had taken me in, treated me like their own. They got me clean, sober, in school. I was a new me. I did the same thing for a young girl" Erin choked up herself. "Nadia. When I saw her I saw me and I wanted to help Nadia the way Hank had helped me. I wanna help you so you can be the best mother to your daughter. And your Luna's mother, my niece's mother. Even though you and Will aren't married you are a Halstead. Your family"

Luna HalsteadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora