Mini Detective Pt 1

362 8 1

Luna- 8

Summer was in full swing, the temperatures were high and brutal. School was also out. Kids played in the streets, played in the pool. But it brought a problem for Will. With school being out, he didn't know what to do with his daughter.

He considered bringing her to the hospital daycare but they were dealing with a lice outbreak and wasn't sure if it was safe to bring Luna in yet. Will didn't want to leave his daughter with just anyone, he was very cautious about who he let around his daughter.

One morning he got called in early and he had no one to watch Luna. He then had a thought. "Luna grab your stuff sweetheart! We gotta go"

The little eight-year-old came running out in a light green Disney princess tank top with blue jean shorts and her sneakers. Her fiery red hair pulled into two pigtails and braided. A small backpack hanging on her shoulders.

"Do I get to go to work with you?" Luna asked.

"Not today, the daycare is still closed" Will tells her, finishing her lunch bag.

"So where will I go?"

"Let's go and you'll find out"

The father and daughter had left, once making sure Luna was secure in the backseat. Will went and got in the driver seat and got himself buckled in and started to drive off.

The older Halstead had made the drive and went to his brother's job. It wasn't the ideal place for a little girl to be but she would be with Jay, surrounded by cops and detectives, and Hank. She would be safe. Nothing or no one would be stupid enough to hurt her.

Soon they arrived at the district, Will grabbed his daughter's stuff and collected his daughter and headed inside. They had to fight the small crowd of officers coming in. Shift changes were a bitch. Officers getting off, officers coming in for roll call. Once they got in they headed for Trudy's desk.

"Good morning Sergeant, is it possible I can see my brother for a moment?" Will asked Trudy.

Trudy looked between the father and daughter, she figured why Will wanted to see his brother. "Go on, I'll buzz you up"

"Thank you"

They headed for the stairs and Trudy hit the buzzer letting them up, Will felt his phone going off knowing it was the hospital calling him. He had to make this as quickly as he could and go.

Jay was at his desk going over last minute paperwork they had to get finished. Hearing footsteps he looked over to see his brother and niece, feeling a bit anxious he got up from his chair and went to his brother.

"Hey, hey LuLu. Is everything alright? You guys ok?" Jay asked his small family.

"Everything is fine, Luna, can you go sit at your uncle's desk while we talk?" Will glanced at his daughter.

The youngest Halstead nodded and went to Jay's desk and sat down putting her bag on the table. Will looked at his brother with a hopeful look.

"Have I ever told you how much of a great brother you are and how much I love and appreciate you" Will tells his brother.

"You want me to babysit don't you?" Jay replied.

"Could you? I can't bring her to the daycare, they still have a lice outbreak"

"I don't know man, I'd have to ask Voight"

Not only were they doing paperwork but they were working a current case as well and had a suspect in the cage and Jay didn't feel easy having his young niece in the same building as the suspect, with any suspect. If they so much as looked at Luna it wouldn't take them long to put two and two together and his little niece would be used against him.

Luna HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now