Shady Business

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*Takes place during the Ray Burke storyline. Will contain material from the show and mine as well. Will try and make this my version not from the show*

Luna- 11

After Pat Halstead had died, Will and Jay were hurt. They may not have always gotten along with their father but no matter what, at the end of the day he was their father. Will somewhat regretted keeping his daughter away from his father. Now Luna would never have a relationship with her grandfather.

Luna had tried to help her father and uncle while they grieved, this was her first loss but she didn't know how to take it being she wasn't close to her grandfather. The night of his wake she was there with her parents and Jay. Will was with Natalie, they each had a cup and drank some. Jay was away from them drinking beer after beer, the words in his head played over and over like a loop.

Gia had also gone, like her daughter she didn't know Pat but she was going to be there for her daughter's father and Jay. They were her family now. She had kept her daughter close. Will stepped away from Natalie to get her and him fresh drinks, while he did that he was going to check on his family.

First he had gone to Gia and his daughter, Gia managed to find a place to sit with her daughter. Luna laid on her mother's shoulder, the tall Halstead man saw them and smiled.

"Are you guys doing alright?" Will asked.

"We're good. Are you ok? I know this is a difficult time" Gia replied.

"I'm doing good" He then bent down to his daughter. "And how are you doing little star"

Luna smiled sleepily. "I'm ok dad"

"Stay with your mom, we'll leave soon"

"I hope it's not too late she does have school tomorrow" Gia reminded him.

He looked at her. "I know"

He kissed his daughter's head and went to find his brother. He found Jay sitting on a step and drinking another beer, his brother's tie loosened and hanging his dress shirt unbuttoned and loose.

"Jay, how are you doing man?" Will asked his brother.

The young detective looked at his brother, his eyes glossy with tears. "Hey man. I'm good"

The redhead patted his brother's shoulder, during the wake Will had run into one of his old childhood friends. Tim Burke. He told Will his father was sick and didn't want to go to the hospital, so he agreed to do a house call.

After the wake Gia had taken Jay and her daughter home, Will had taken Natalie home. When Gia got her daughter home, Luna had gone to get ready for bed. Will had gone to check on his daughter being Gia had her for the week, they would alternate time with her.

Grabbing a water bottle from her fridge she drank half of it when she heard her front door open and Will coming in. She looked to see him.

"Thought you went home for the night with Natalie" She spoke.

"I dropped her off so she can put Owen to bed. I wanted to see Luna, make sure she's alright" Will replied.

She nodded. "Say who was that one guy you were talking to tonight? Big heavy set guy"

"Just an old friend from childhood. Tim Burke, his father Ray, he's not doing so good. I said I'd go over tomorrow and check him out"

"Should you be doing that?"

"Why not? ED docs make house calls all the time"

"I just don't want you doing anything that'll get you into trouble, Will. I'm looking out for you. I don't wanna see you losing Luna"

Luna HalsteadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora