Mini Detective Pt 2

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Luna- 8

"He's going to kill me. Will's going to kill me" Jay kept muttering.

"Jay, you gotta pull yourself together. Luna needs you" Antonio told his friend.

"This is all my fault, if I didn't yell at her" He paused. "If anything happens to her Tony, I'll never forgive myself. It was my job to watch and protect her, Will trusted me to watch her and now she's in the hands of some psycho arsonist"

"You will get her back. We will find Luna and bring her home. You know Hank, he'll tear this city apart until it rains blood if he has to, to find her and bring her home"

Before Jay could say something his phone started ringing and when he saw who was calling, it only made his eyes go wide and his heart raced faster in his chest.

"It's Will. Oh god, what do I say? How do I tell him?"

"Jay, you've gotta calm down and relax. If you answer all hyped up like this, Will is going to know something is wrong. Calm down and take a breath"

The young detective started to calm himself down before he wound up into a panic attack. Once he was somewhat calmer he finally swiped his phone answering his brother's call.

"Hey Will, how's your shift?" Jay asked, as calmly as he could. His heart was pounding against his chest so hard and fast it felt as if it could explode.

"It's been good, busy. Very busy. But I managed to have a break and call to check on you and Luna. How's everything going there with you and Luna?" Will asked.

"Great, everything's great. We're just doing paperwork here" He closed his eyes hoping, hell praying he doesn't ask to talk to Luna.

"Put Luna on, I wanna talk to her. See how she's liking the District"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Jay didn't know what to do or say he looked to everyone else for an answer and nobody knew what to tell him to pass onto Will. The guilt was setting back in his body thinking of his young niece, scared, crying, distraught and it was all because of him.

"Jay? Jay? You still there bro?"

Antonio pushed his best friend's shoulder to get him to snap back into reality and he was hearing his brother on the end of the line.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Luna can't come to the phone right now because she... She... She's at the park with Mouse. It was a nice day out and with me packed down with paperwork Mouse offered to take her to the park for a while. I kept her phone with me so it doesn't get messed up" God Jay hated lying to his brother but he couldn't tell Will the truth, he was already going out of his mind. Will would do worse.

"That's good. Just make sure you tell Mouse we're supposed to get thunderstorms soon, I don't want Luna getting sick"

"You got it man, I gotta go. Hank wants us finished soon"

Before Will could get another word out Jay had hung up and tossed his phone on the desk and went to clear his head. He went outside to get some air, he looked to the sky and his brother was right.

Big thick dark storm clouds had started rolling in, thunder could be heard in the distance. Jay felt his heart break because he knew his young niece hated storms, for as long as he could remember Luna had always hated storms.

"I'm sorry Lu Lu. I'm so sorry, I should have never yelled at you. This is all my fault" He spoke out loud, to himself.

"It's not your fault Jay" Came a soft, feminine voice. It belonged to his partner and girlfriend, Erin. "You couldn't have predicted this Jay, none of us could have. It was a huge mistake"

"A mistake that I caused, I snapped at her to the point she ran off and got tricked by a psycho pyro. If anything happens to her, Will is going to kill me and I wouldn't blame him one bit. He trusted me with Luna and this happens I wouldn't blame him if he hates me and never forgives me"

"Jay, listen to me he will forgive you, he will be angry but once he calms down he'll come around and you two will go back to being the best of friends. But right now Luna needs you, she needs her uncle to be strong for her to pull himself together and find her to bring her back home. I know it's hard but you take all that anger, guilt, everything you're feeling and put that into finding Luna. She's going to need you now more than ever"

Taking a deep breath he wiped his wet eyes and cheeks. "You're right. I gotta get my head back in the game and pull myself back together and find Luna"

"Let's go get back to work"

They had gone back inside as the rain started coming down hard, the big thick dark clouds now covering the city. The storm wasn't the only problem. The new problem was Chicago was under a tornado watch with the current storm and a tornado had touched down dangerously close to the city.

Hank knew with the dangerous weather conditions rolling he had made the choice to momentarily pause their search for Luna and Owens.

"Have you lost your mind?! That's my niece Hank! You can't expect me to sit here on my ass and not do anything" Jay protested.

"Jay, Luna needs you alive, not out there in the middle of a dangerous storm. We will continue to work and look for them here but nobody and I repeat, nobody is to leave the district during the storm" Hank told his entire team.

"This is bullshit! I can't leave my niece out there" Jay was fuming.

"You think I wanna leave her out there in this? No I don't but I can't risks our lives out there"

"But you want me to risk my niece?"

Before Hank could speak another voice spoke, one that made Jay freeze in his place.

"What are you talking about? Why would you be risking Luna?" It was Will. He managed to make the quick drive to the district before the storm got worse.

Jay turned and saw his brother. "Will.. Wha...What are you doing here?"

"I think the better question, Jay, is. Where is Luna? What happened to my daughter?"

"Why don't we go into the lounge to talk. There's something you should know"


Owens went into an abandoned building to hide during the storm, he kept a firm grip on Luna's arm. The young Halstead had a good feeling a bruise was already forming on her arm.

One thing Jay had taught Luna if she was ever in any kind of danger, look around and pay close attention to her surroundings and make mental notes about where she is and when she's able to make a sign she was there and to be very descriptive, it would help narrow down the possible search area on where she was taken.

Owens went to board up some open parts so they'd be somewhat safe, while he was busy the young girl looked around and saw some broken glass, rocks and pebbles, and other stuff around. Picking up a good size rock she went to the wall and started to write on it the best she could and had to make it quick.

She had written something on at least two of the walls hoping it would be good enough. On one wall she had written D21, it was for District 21. On the second wall she had written LH for her name. She was now working on the third wall and heard footsteps. Her hand started working faster as she wrote a set of numbers. 51163. Jay's badge number.

Luna quickly threw the rock down and wiped her hands of the dust, she picked up a few of the big pieces of glass shard and hid them in her pockets to use as weapons. She looked at the numbers she had written of her uncle's badge number and muttered to herself.

"Please hurry Uncle Jay. I wanna go home" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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