Crossing Boundaries

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*Picks up from the previous chapter. This is a small take I thought of*

Luna- 11

Will wanted to stop treating Ray because now it was starting to slowly endanger his daughter. The words that Hank said played over in his head, he could lose Luna. That wasn't happening. Not a chance in seven hells. But he also had an oath to uphold as a doctor he couldn't abandon him, it wouldn't be right.

One evening he had to take his daughter to Gia for her visit, one of Ray's sons called Will over, needing them to look at their father. Will knew if he brought his daughter over there, Gia would have his head. He didn't wanna ruin his co-parenting relationship with her and he couldn't endanger his daughter. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

He started the drive to Ray's but he was going to keep his daughter in the car, he still had a feeling Gia would have his head. After a short drive he arrived at Ray's house, Luna had been falling asleep in the back seat. He smiled, he opened his door and went to check on her when he opened the door she woke up.

"Dad?" She says sleepily.

"Shh it's alright little star, I have to make a quick stop before I take you to your mom" Will replies softly. "I won't be long. You go back to sleep"

He covered his daughter up and closed the door, he locked the car up and went inside. Before he went inside he quickly texted his ex saying he'd be a little late. He had no doubt in his mind Gia was going to be pissed. He had to make this fast.

Bag in hand he went to the door as Tommy opened it. "Will, good to see you"

"Hey Tommy, look I gotta make this quick. I got my daughter with me. I'm suppose to be taking her to her mom's"

"We'll try. Dad had another dizzy spell and took a small fall"

Will followed him, the older man was on the couch his other sons gathered around him. Ray was shooing them away. The redhead doctor went over to him.

"Ray, what's going on?" Will asked.

"Nothing, these boys are worry warts. I'm fine". The older man said.

"Let me give you a quick look over"

"Kid, I'm fine. Don't you have any place to be?"

"I do, I'm taking my daughter to her mom's for the week. We alternate"

"Where's the little one?"

"She's asleep in the car, she had a long day"

He felt his phone buzzing so he excused himself and saw it was his daughter's mother. He was gonna have some explaining to do and get an earful.

"Hey Gia" Will answered, trying to keep his voice straight.

"What's going on Will? Is everything alright?" Gia replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Just had to make a quick stop, the car was having some trouble. All is good"

"Will don't you dare lie to me. Where are you? Don't tell me you stopped at Burke's house"

"Gia why would I do that?"

"Then tell me where you actually are"

"I had to make a stop"

"Let me talk to Luna then"

"She's asleep, I don't wanna wake her up"

"Check your phone"


"Just check your damn phone"

Pulling his phone away from his ear, it was a text from Gia. 'Come outside'

Luna HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now