Christmas Wish

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 Luna- 10

It had been that time of year again, December. Freezing temperatures, snow, and the magical time of year. Christmas. And this year for little Luna, it would be the first one with her mother. Will had seen his daughter's mother trying hard to be in her life.

She managed to get a job, mostly with Jay's help. She found an apartment to live in and was even making room for Luna to stay. He couldn't deny Gia to see their daughter when she had been putting in the work and effort to see her and be there for her. He had actually had an idea.

One snowy afternoon Will had invited Gia over so they could discuss their daughter's visitation schedule. Gia felt she's done a lot to earn this privilege; she didn't want it taken away from her, not in this lifetime. She knocked on Will's door and the door was opened by her excited daughter.

"Mom's here!" Luna says excitedly.

"Well let her in Luna it's cold outside," Will told his daughter.

The excited ten-year-old had pulled her mother inside Will's place and helped brush her off of the white dusty snow. Luna was enjoying having her mother around now. She was finally building and growing a relationship with her. Something she's always wanted. Will was actually happy that Gia was around a lot more, he remembered how much fun they had together back in the day.

Gia looked over at Will and smiled, even to this day she was still in love with him but never said it out loud. She didn't wanna announce it and Will would already be in a relationship and complicate things for him.

"Gia, why don't we go get some coffee and talk. While we let this little decoration monster decorate the house" The redhead man looked at his daughter's mother.

"I would like that very much," Gia responded with a smile.

Bending down, Will kissed his daughter's cheek. "And you don't trash the living room. If you need help just come get me and your mom. Alright"

Luna giggled. "Yes dad"

The two parents chuckled as their daughter just about zipped to the box of decorations and they went to the kitchen. Will poured them each some coffee and set out the cream and sugar.

"I have an idea only if you want to do it" Will started off.

That had made Gia a bit nervous. "What's the idea?"

"Instead of trading off holidays, why don't we spend them together with Luna. Instead of her going back and forth from your place back to mine doing two separate ones let's just do all of the important holidays together"

Gia was stunned. Will had actually suggested they do holidays together. Almost like a family. She loved the idea, they had always wanted better for their child and this could be a start. She had been in too much shock to say anything, Will had continued.

"What if you spend Christmas with us? Me and Luna. Jay's gonna bring Erin. You shouldn't be alone on Christmas"

"Will..I..I don't know what to say"

"It's totally up to you. This way neither of us would have to split time with Luna we can do it together"

"I would actually like that very much. I just don't know what to get her exactly. Shopping was never my thing"

"I think you gave her the best gift of all by coming back and repairing your relationship with her"

That made Gia smile, a tear fell from her eye. Luna had pulled her parents into the living room and soon they all had decorated. Will smiled seeing his daughter and Gia decorate the living room. He went to the kitchen and pulled out the cookie dough from the fridge so they could start baking. It turned out to be a perfect afternoon.

Before long it was Christmas Eve, Will had invited Gia over to spend time with Luna. He was enjoying the time with Gia himself, it had been years since they had actually had fun, laughed, and smiled. Gia came over wearing a red sweater dress, green tights, and her boots. She had carried her overnight bag with her, she thought she had found the perfect gift for her daughter.

Luna just about swung open the door, she was wearing a green dress and tights. Her long red hair was done up in two pigtails, she and Will had returned home from a church service. The young girl wrapped her arms around her mother.

"Merry Christmas mom," Luna says happily.

"And Merry Christmas to you my sweet girl" Gia told her daughter with a smile.

"Merry Christmas Gia" Came Will's soft voice.

When she looked over and saw him wearing his suit, she couldn't help but blush. He always did look good in a suit. "Merry Christmas Will"

"Dinner's ready if you're hungry"

"You always did have amazing cooking. If you don't mind, I have something I'd like to give Luna"

"Go ahead, I'll get the table set"

Gia had taken her daughter to the couch and pulled out a small rectangular box that she had wrapped. "I didn't know what to get you. So I hope you like this"

Luna took it and tore the wrapping paper off and opened the box, inside was a gold necklace. It was a small golden rose. The ten-year-old smiled as tears prickled in her eyes.

"It's so pretty"

"My mom gave me this when I was about your age and now I wanna give it to you"

"I promise to take very good care of it"

"I know you will"

She hugged her mother. "I love you momma"

"I love you too baby" Gia wrapped her arms around her.

Luna couldn't help but bounce to the kitchen where her father was. "Daddy. Daddy, look"

The redhead father looked down to see the gold rose necklace she was now wearing, he remembered Gia had used to wear that all the time. He smiled and kissed her head.

"Go to the table and wait for me and mom"

She skipped to the table as Will walked over to the mother of his daughter. "That's a beautiful gift you gave her"

"I thought I'd continue the tradition. My mom gave it to me before she passed and I gave it to Luna"

"You'll always have a home here Gia"

"Thank you, Will. Dammit, I never got you anything"

He gave his signature smile. "It's alright, You gave me everything I could ever ask for and more"

She returned the smile. "I could say the same thing"

They went back to their daughter and they sat down and started eating. For the first time in years, Will had felt his family was whole and complete. He wished for this for so many years and now his Christmas wish had come true. 

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