Chapter Five

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After I attacked Angela, Papa, Mama, and Aunt Candace were called up to the school. Mama and Papa didn't know who to go to, they didn't know if they should go and check on Angela or come and talk to me.  Aunt Candace was kneeling next to Angela and assessing her wound alongside Mama. Papa came over to me and kneeled in front of me,

"Reagan, talk to me. What happened?" he asks nervously.

"She went too far, she called me a nuisance said she wished you guys never adopted me. Said my parents abandoned me because I was a nuisance, I lost it. She deserved it, she had no right to say something like that," I state slowly not looking at him leaning onto Hunter's shoulder.

"Angela is banged up pretty badly, a fractured skull and three gashes across her face. Candace said her face wounds will heal but the skull fracture may take some time." Mama states firmly, her tone hiding how she's feeling. Papa disappears and then I feel Hunter's presence disappear.

"You hurt Angela really bad Reagan, I understand that she said some pretty nasty things to you but that gave you no right to attack her the way you did. You threw her head into the wall, and slashed her face. Angela is your sister, and you attacked her because you let your anger get the best of you. I'm disappointed in you Reagan, I thought..." I don't have to listen to this. Scolding me, because of what her daughter did. Making me seem like the bad guy, how dare her. I don't have to stay and listen to that bullcrap.

"Reagan, come back here!" she screams sounding extremely pissed. Turning to look over my shoulder I see Mama standing there arms crosser, her eyes bright, and her canines resting on her bottom lip. Due to her being mates with someone so high and power her voice helped high authority that somewhat affected me, But I'm a werecat, not a werewolf her power could not affect me, and she didn't scare me. Turning and walking out the school I only know one thing;

"I need to get away.'

I was about to take off when I see a figure standing in the middle of the parking lot, dressed in a long black cloak they had their back to me. The figure turns around slowly, but not fully. I knew who the person was, was a woman probably not even older than me. The girl had long silver hair, and bright red eyes then I realize that the person standing in front of me is the same person I saw during the assembly except now her eyes weren't glowing.

"Reagan Callerman, never did I ever think I'd meet my big sister." her words catch me off guard and automatically I become frozen on the spot. Her smile widens and she turns to me fully and takes a couple of steps towards me and seemingly looks me over. Something about her gaze causes me to snap back and narrow my eyes,

"I don't know whether to believe you or not, I don't know a thing about my parents so I honestly don't know if your words are true." I state calmly crossing my arms.

"You and I aren't fully related dear, we do not share the same mother. You were born to two werecats, while I have a werecat father and a werewolf mother. I am a hybrid, but unlike most hybrids who are looked down upon I am not because my parents are purebloods I may be a hybrid but with two pureblooded parents I am more powerful than most. You too posses great power, not only are your both your parents purebloods but they're also linked to the royal werecat family. But that doesn't explain as to why they abandoned you." she states staring at me her eyes beginning to glow.

"That's good to know, but it doesn't explain as to why you are here." I state calmly crossing my arms, even though I was attempting to stay calm I was a wreck on the inside.

"I can't help but be a little curious about my big sister, having the Kings of the werewolf and werecat community helped me sneak into the school. It wasn't that hard to find you, you aren't like others. You're unique, then again you are a pureblood with connection to the royal family so it's only natural that you stand out." she states shrugging.

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