Chapter Three

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 When Angela came home last night she was extremely shocked when our parents went off on her. Hunter and I sat in my room listening to the entire thing and we had to contain our laughter when we heard Angela throw a temper and slam her door shut. When she came down for dinner she screamed at Hunter and I, of course Mom, Dad, and Papa covered for us and lied and said that they received a phone call from the school.

Today had to go to work after school so I packed my uniform with my bag, I was happy when I didn't have to hear Angela's voice complaining since she was giving everyone the silent treatment. Hunter and I walked to school together so we didn't have to deal with Angela and her attitude, but when I arrived at the school everyone seemed to be on a frenzy mode. I went to my locker and Austin, Ivory, Blaine, and Levi were all waiting for me.

"What the hell has the school in such frenzy?" Hunter questions crossing his arms.

"The kings of the werecat and werewolf kingdom are supposedly coming today. Why, no one really knows but both new kings are single and extremely good looking." Ivory explains shrugging.

"Why would they be coming here out of all places?" I ask opening my locker not believing her words.

"Because we're one of few schools where werecats and werewolves co-mingle. Most schools are separated because of what people are. The reasons the kings are coming are probably because they want to understand how we're all able to connect with each other. It's probably because the kingdoms are separated and it's rare to have a different species residing in a different kingdom." Levi explains shrugging.

"I wonder if Dad know that the kings are visiting?" Hunter thinks out loud.

"There's no way he wouldn't know, his work is to keep tabs on the kingdoms and help solve any kind of conflict." Levi replies. Just then the principal voice is heard over the intercom,

"Attention all students and faculty report to the main auditorium immediately, any students caught outside the auditorium will be given a detention." after the announcement the is over we all head to the auditorium, on our way there I noticed the distance Blaine had put between us which made me worried. Had I already done something wrong in our relationship?

Entering the auditorium, it was quite yes there were some kids whispering softly but not many were talking. Something was making me extremely uncomfortable and it feels like someone is watching me, but when I begin to look around I don't see anyone looking at me.

The assembly was boring and I ended up zoning out, I was extremely shocked when Hunter leaned over resting his head on my shoulder and began to drift off. While I sat bored I couldn't help but look over at Blaine, he was actually focusing on what was being said. I didn't understand why he was putting distance between us, and it made me wonder if I did something wrong. But that wasn't my main focus was, it was the fact that it still felt like someone or something was watching me. I couldn't help but look around and my focus went to the stage where the two kings sat and the principal spoke. I looked at the king of the werecat kingdom first; Axel Knight. Even though he was sitting down I could easily tell that he was a tall man, he had black hair it reminded me of the night sky, and his eyes were a shiny silver that semmed to be glowing. He looked kind of scary, and very intimidating. Looking over at the werewolf king Holden Stone, he too is extremely attractive. Dark brown hair that contrasted against his bright green eyes that too seemed to be glowing. But the more I focused on the stage I notice something looming behind the kings, a dark figure but what made the figure stand out was the glowing red eye. It was then I realized that the owner of the red eyes was the source of the person staring at me.

"Reagan..." hearing an eerie voice I look around frantically and it shocks me when I realize that the voice is in my head. Who was it, who's staring at me? Maybe I'm going crazy, maybe there are no voices in my head and I'm just assuming things. And maybe even no one is staring at me there are hundreds of people in the crowd, there's no true indicate that those mysterious eyes are staring at me. But as I continue to stare at the stage I know that without a doubt that the werecat king is staring dead at me and what shocks me is when his eyes change from silver turn so dark it looks black. Letting out a gasp I see a smirk form on his face. Now I'm worried. Why is he looking at me, why did his eyes darken, and why did he smirk at me?

After the assembly it was lunch time. I couldn't get over the fact that the werecat king was staring dead at me, and the fact I heard an extremely creepy voice inside of my head. No one said anything to me and Blaine was keeping his distance; he and Levi didn't sit with us at lunch which made me extremely curious and hurt.

"What's going on with you and Blaine, he's been acting really distant?" Ivory questions turning to me.

"I don't know, it hurts that he's being this way. It's sucks because I feel like there's nothing I can do to get him to talk to me. I was an idiot to think our relationship would last long." I mumble pushing my tray away and resting my head on my folded arms.

"Reagan, why aren't you eating?" turning around seeing Dad standing there in a high quality expensive suit shocks me. Normally he wears a nice button up shirt and some good jeans.

"Dad what are you doing here?" I ask looking at him curiously as he walks over to my table.

"I've been helping with the arrangements for the kings to come visit here. I have some paper work I need to finish and deliver to the kings; I decided to come check on you and Hunter. I already checked on Angela who is still in full day suspension.

"Oh," I reply still staring at him,

"You still haven't answered my question, why aren't you eating?" he questions sternly.

"I lost my appetite," I state shrugging.

"You can't skip meals, I don't care if you nibble on a carrot like a rabbit just eat something so I don't have to worry." he grumbles walking over to me leaning down kissing the top of my head then turning and walking out the cafeteria.

"He looks really intimidating." Austin mumbles.

"He's the stern one, Papa is the calmer one." I state shrugging.

"It's easy to tell that..." suddenly Ivory goes quiet and holds her head down. Looking at Austin I see he's mimicking Ivory with his head held down. It is then I notice how silent the cafeteria is, and the strong powerful presence behind me. I'm nervous to turn around but I say hell to caution and turn in my seat to see King Axel Knight standing behind me, smirking down at me.

"Reagan Callerman," he says his deep masculine voice sending shivers down my spine; I can't seem to find my voice so all I can do is nod my head. His smirks widen, and next thing I know I'm being pulled from my seat and dragged out the cafeteria, looking back I see Ivory and Austin staring at me in shock.






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