Chapter 13

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Reagan's POV

I only understood a couple of things. One, I was in the hospital. Two, both my parents and brother were her at some point. I even hugged my father. And three, I can't see anything; my vision is completely gone.

"Your mother rushed the healing process, your body needs to rest." Axel states slowly. It's quite for a couple of minutes before I let out a sigh knowing I need to tell Axel what I was experiencing;

"I can't see anything Axel, I can't see you anymore. My vision, it's gone." I state bringing my hands up to my face covering my eyes. I hear his approaching footsteps, and when his rough hands pull my hands away from my face I know he's looking at me but I can't see him.

"It's your mother's doing, your brain didn't heal correctly. It needed to heal on its own." he states lowly. Reaching my hand out in the direction of his voice, my hand brushes against his cheek and he leans into my hand which brings a smile to my face.

"Whether you can see me or not, I still love you Reagan." he whispers kissing my forehead.

"I'll never stop loving you Axel, I promise." I whisper resting my head on his chest.

-The Next Morning-

Axel never left; he remained with me all night. This morning Lawrence and Violet came to visit, I told them automatically that I couldn't see.

"Your brother warned your mother about her rushing your healing would backfire. I doubt she thought something this bad would happen." Lawrence states slowly.

"Can you see anything?" Violet questions worriedly.

"It's all a big blur, no shapes, no figures, just a bunch of mixed up colors." I explain softly, brining my hand up to my face running my fingers over my eyes.

"Talon is going to be pissed, he was angry as it is that your mother was here. Hearing you're blind because of her actions is going to set him off." Lawrence explains.

"He shouldn't blame her, she just wanted to help." I state softly.

"He has the right to be upset. Your mother needs to understand you aren't a little girl anymore. Taking matters into her own hands, it does nothing but cause more trouble." Violet grumbles running her fingers gently through my hair.

"Enough about my mother, I still want to go see Maddox. That was what I was doing that landed me in here." I explain sitting up slowly.

"You're determined Reagan, just like your father." Lawrence states letting out a sigh.

"There's no reason to keep you here, you're blind and there isn't much we can do but give you a walking stick and keep an eye on you." Axel states sitting on my bed grabbing my hand in his.

"That means we'll have to call your parents and request they bring you some clothes." Violet states cautiously.

"I don't want to see them, isn't there somewhere else I can get some clothes?" I question letting out a sigh.

"I'm sure we still have some of Catrice's old clothes somewhere in the house. I'm sure we can find something." Violet explains grasping my other hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you Violet, I really appreciate it." I say thankfully.

After Violet left and then came back with some clothes, Axel and I headed to Maddox's place and this time with no incident. Axel pointed out that the close we got to the property the slower his truck began. Eventually it came to a complete stop.

"Lawrence wasn't kidding when he said Maddox had obstacles to his home." Axel states letting out a sigh.

"We'll just have to go through the obstacles then." I say shrugging tightening my grip on my cane.

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