Chapter Eleven

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Pulling up to my house I became nervous, I knew I was in trouble with Dad because I was gone this morning and I know I can't really give the truth as to where I really was.

"You're nervous Reagan, I can sense it," Axel states as he parks the car and turns to me.

"I don't want to lie to them, but I just don't think I can tell them everything right now." I explain letting out a sigh.

"You don't have to tell them everything, just say you've been doing research on your birth parents." he states shrugging.

"I don't know how they'll react; I've never really discussed my want to find out about my birthparents with them. My mother tends to lose her temper easily and I honestly don't know how she'll react." I explain glancing at the house and notice that there's someone in the window.

"I've heard of your mother, it's exceptionally rare for someone to disconnect with their second form and share a body. In most cases if someone is separated from their second form then they either die or are out casted by the were- community because they are no longer with their other form. The reason your mother is still connected to a pack is because she still has her wolf and can still shift, she just can shift on command." he explains shrugging his shoulders looking out the window.

"I'll be back, don't be surprised if it takes a while." I state letting out a sigh and opening the passenger door.

"You'll be alright, don't worry so much." he states turning and smiling at me confidently. Nodding my head I hop out the truck and walk up the path to my house and enter. Automatically I'm pulled into extremely strong arms, and it feels like the life is being squeezed out of me.

"Dad, I can't breathe."I state hitting his chests, taking a deep breathe when he lets go.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was, I already lost one child and I don't plan on losing another? Leave a note next time, do something! Do you have any idea what was running through my mind when Hunter came down and said you weren't in your room?" He state holding me by my shoulder staring down at me with wide eyes. I instantly feel horrible at how much trouble I've caused; I honestly didn't think he'd react this way.

"I'm sorry, I've just been dealing with some stuff lately and I needed to talk to someone." I state letting out a sigh walking into the living room where Hunter, Mom, and Papa are.

"What's so important that you have to leave the house early in the morning and not tell anyone where you are?" Mom questions crossing her arms, a good sign that she's really upset.

"Answers about my birth parents." I whisper, watching everyone's expressions.

"Why, why do you need to look into your birthparents?" she questions her eyes narrowing, but even though she's giving off the impression that she's upset I can see the hurt in her eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it," I mumble crossing my arms.

"No! We're talking about this, now answer me. Why do you feel that you need to look into who your birthparents?" she questions standing up placing her hand on her hip.

"I knew this was a mistake," I mumble looking away from her letting out a sigh.

"What was a mistake, looking into your real parents?" she questions slowly.

"No, bringing up this topic, I knew you'd get upset." I state shaking my head standing back up.

"What do you expect, for us to be happy that even after all that's happened you still want to search for your real family. What if you do find you real parents, what will we be to you?" Dad questions stepping away from me, his voice sounding cold and bitter.

"Even if I meet my real parents, that doesn't make a difference you'll still be my family." I exclaim staring at them in shock. But none of them will look at me, they all avoid my gaze and that alone breaks my heart, "I think I should just go." I whisper turning and walking out the house. I walk briskly to Axel’s truck climbing in, he doesn't say anything just grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"They just jumped to conclusions thinking that I'd just forget about them. They're my family too; they didn't even listen to me." I say not even trying to stop my tears.

"They'll come around," he whispers bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it. Letting out a sigh I lean back, and just close my eyes and clear my head.

"I'll worry about them later, let’s go to my uncles." I say wiping away my tears and turning to him with a determined look. He stares at me for a couple of minutes before he creases his eyebrows and stares at me with an uncertain look.

"Let’s not go," he whispers slowly. I stare at him shocked, and scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion,

"Why not?" I question slowly.

"I just have a bad feeling, I just feel like something bad is going to happen." he whispers looking at me in concern, letting out a sigh I shake my head and roll my eyes,

"Nothing bad is going to happen Axel, so let’s just go." I say facing forward in my seat crossing my arms. I hear him let out a deep sigh but he starts his tuck up and soon we're on our way to my uncle's address. We're on the road and it's quite in the car, but the silence is disturbed by the horrible sound of metal on metal tires screeching. The next thing I hear is the sound of glass shattering and the most intense pain I've ever felt takes over. Black dots begin to dance in my vision, and then everything goes black.




Axel's Pov (after the crash)

No, no, no! This isn't happening! After the tuck hit us, I ended up losing consciousness but due to my healing abilities I woke up and my injuries were healed. But I couldn't say the same for Reagan, the force of the crash threw my truck and at some point we flipped we landed on the side and I managed to get Reagan out. But she wasn't moving, the tuck hit her side and she looked a mess.

"Reagan, Reagan baby can you hear me?" I kneel besides her head looking down into her bruised and battered face. I can't lose her, she wasn't moving, and her chest was barely rising. Please Reagan be okay, continuing to cradle her to me and stroke her bloody hair from her face I look up, and the sight in front of me fills my body with rage. The truck that hit which sits still a couple feet away is empty, but that's not what upsets me. It's the black cloud that surrounds the truck indicating that a spell was put in place. I instantly know right then and there, that this was no accident. Looking down at Reagan's limp form, and I know I have to control my anger and get her help.

"Please Luna, let her be okay." I whisper leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.






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