Chapter Twelve Part One

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Lawrence's POV

I've been able to inform Reagan of everything she needs to know. Her decision to go and try to see Maddox, kind of worries me. I don't know if she'll succeed at getting to Maddox, but she's determined. Finally being able to see and talk with Reagan is so important with everything going on. I do hope she succeeds and is able to talk with Maddox.

"Dad! Dad, are you listening to me?" zoning back in I see Levi sitting in from of me looking at me curiously. 

"Sorry, I spaced out." I state shaking my head then letting out a sigh. He opens his mouth to say something, but my phone interrupts me. Pulling it out of my breast pocket I pull out my phone to see Axel's name on the screen,

"Having difficulties getting to Maddox?" I question curiously, assuming they're already there but Axel's next words make my blood run cold.

"We were in a crash, a cursed truck hit us. I'm okay, but Reagan isn't. The truck hit her at top speed, we're at a hospital on clan territory. She's in surgery right now." No, this can't be happening.

"We're on our way." I state slowly, then hanging up looking up I see Levi staring at me worriedly.

"Reagan and Axel were in a crash, Axel is okay but Regan is in surgery right now. A cursed truck hit her with full force." I explain standing grabbing my jacket rushing out the office with Levi following behind. Oh Luna, please let her be okay.


The drive to the hospital was hell; so many thoughts were running through mind. Jumping out my car we run into the hospital and head to the floor Axel aid he's waiting on. When we enter the waiting room I stop dead in my tracks at the two males I see. They both turn and stare at me with their eyebrows raised.

"I don't know who I'm more shocked to see, Talon or Jameson...forget it I'm shocked to see you Jameson," I states staring at the tall lean pale figure that has the strongest connection to Reagan. Jameson became involved in Reagan's life when Larissa managed to attack Reagan; he healed her and protected her. The way he healed her was giving her some of his blood and taking some of hers. Jameson had been around for as long as time, he was born during Luna's time. It worries me that he cares more about Reagan than his own daughter, Talon and Catrice's adopted daughter Karissa.

"The feeling is one sided, I'm definitely not surprised you're here. You are the one who's been watching over her." he states shrugging not moving from his spot leaning against the wall. Turning to Talon I can't help but stare at him in shock at how much he resembles his father.

"I was with Catrice and Violet when Axel called. I don't think I could go home knowing she's been hurt." he explains calmly, nodding my head I look around the room and I can't help but notice that Axel is missing.

"Where's Axel?" I ask curiously moving further into the room and moving to sit besides Violet.

"He's with the nurse, they came in and called him softly out." Catrice states calmly. Hearing footsteps approaching, I turn to see Axel walking in.

"Any news?" Levi questions worriedly.

"She's out of surgery; she suffered major injuries especially to her head. Some glass penetrated her lungs and caused one of them to collapse. She lost a large amount of blood, and she slipped into a coma on the operating table. They don't know when she'll wake up." he explains collapsing in a chair resting his head in hands. "I'm supposed to protect her, and now she's in a coma." he states sounding absolutely miserable.

"Stop blaming yourself Axel, a cursed truck isn't something you can predict to happen." Jameson scolds shaking his head.

"I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, I told her we shouldn't go." he states shaking his head.

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