Chapter Nine

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I moved my chair so I was seated right next to Dad and he started the video conversation.

"Angela, why are you contacting me?" he asks slowly.

"Because I need you to transfer money onto my debit card. I know I'm in serious trouble Dad, but this is important." she states nervously. I decided I was going to remain silent and keep an eye and see what she's up to. I couldn't help but notice a figure moving in the background in what seemed like a small kitchen. Even though the person seemed to be far away, I could easily tell that the person was female.

"I can't help you Angela, you ran away and you're in big trouble. Now tell me where you are," he states slowly.

"I can't do that Dad, my friend needs me right now. I'm the only person she has, she needs my help." she explains narrowing her eyes.

"Then I hope you don't expect anything from me then." he states crossing his arms. She lets out an annoyed huff and then stares at me. 

"I bet you're happy. I'm not in the house so you don't have to deal with me. I bet you've become everyone's favorite daughter." she states with her eyes narrowed.

"Believe what you want Angela, you're the one who left not me." I state letting out a sigh, leaning down I pull out my father's spare laptop from the drawer of his desk.

"Since you aren't going to help me, then I think I have no reason to continue talking to you." she states letting out a sigh and turning her head and looking off to the side. You can hear a soft female voice but I can't tell what they're saying. Then the video chat is ended, but I continue to type away on my father's laptop.

"Do I want to know what you're up to?" he asks slowly.

"I'm attempting to track down what Wi-Fi Angela's laptop is connected to. If I can do that then maybe I we can discover where she is." I explain shrugging,

"How do you know how to do this?" he asks curiously.

"Don't worry about that." I grumble, letting out a sigh when a map pulls up and a red circle appears on the screen.

"Is that her?" he questions pointing to the red dot.

"No, that's the location of the Wi-Fi.  She's somewhere in the vicinity of the red circle." I explain setting the laptop onto his desk.

"It shouldn't be too hard, that area is on the outskirts of town. The area seems to be close to the Manchester Lake. There aren't a lot of cabins up there, so it should be easy to pin point where she is." he explains shrugging.

"Yes, but I still want to talk with some of Angela's friends and see what they know. I'm sure there's someone Angela talks to frequently that should know something about where she is." I state, letting out a sigh.

"Alright, now get out. I need to get work done and all you do is distract me." he grumbles placing his glasses back on.

"Fine, I didn't want to stay here anyway." I grumble standing up stomping out the office, slamming the door behind me and I can't help but smile when I hear him chuckling from behind the door.

I was laid out on my bed, doing absolutely nothing, when my phone went off. Reaching over and grabbing my phone I'm shocked to see Levi's number on the screen. Even though I had Levi's number, and he has mine we don't really talk over the phone.

"Did something bad happen?" I answer curiously.

"Why would you think something bad happen? Can't I call and send you a request?" he asks sounding offended.

"Because you and I rarely communicate over the phone." I reply, collapsing back down on my bed.

"That's true, anyway would you like to come over for dinner?" he ask his voice sounding overly enthusiastic.

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