Chapter Eight

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Seeing Bethany standing there made me uneasy. Especially when Axel began to growl deeply and stood up standing in front of me.

"You disgusting creature, what do you want?" he growls, no longer stood the Axel I was getting to know, now stood a cold hearted pissed off royal.

"I came to talk with my dear big sister." she states her voice sounding innocent, but the look in her eyes was anything but.

"All you two share is a father, nothing else. And if your father gave a damn about you, you wouldn't be living in the woods and your mother wouldn't be dying. Your mother’s true mate rejected her because of you; it's only a matter of time before she dies. She may be  a pureblood, but no one can survive the rejection of a mate." his words were cold and uncaring, and Bethany actually showed emotion. He pretty much showed a serrated knife into her heart and twisted it repeatedly.

"You don't know a damn thing about what you're talking about. That has nothing to do with why I am here." she sneers her eyes narrowed.

"Of course I do, I am King. I know anything and everything I need to know especially those connected to my family." he sates smiling wickedly.

"So that's the reason you're so obsessed with my sister. Because of what she is, you only care because she's part of the royal family and is eligible to be your mate that's it." she states regaining composure going dark.

"That is where you're wrong Bethany Mayborn; I do not care what her background is. The reason I'm so focused on your sister is because of the type of person she is, there aren't many people like her anymore she's a good different. It's hard to believe that the two of you share blood because of the type of people you two are. You are a cold-hearted soulless person, where she is a considerate and loving person, I don't like you, and I demand that you keep your distance." hearing Axle’s words made me feel...loved. No one has ever said something so sweet about me before. I'm snapped out of my daze when I hear laughing; I'm shocked at the figure that emerges from behind Bethany.

"You're here too Holden and you're with Bethany." I say shocked standing up standing besides Axel, who automatically moves to stand in front of me and in a protective manner.

"Bethany and I are good friends, and she asked me to accompany her today.  I couldn't help but wonder what all the commotion is, but seeing Axel is involved it all makes sense now." he states shrugging.

"Why am I not surprised two people who I despise the most are acquaintances." Axel states shaking his head.

"Reagan, I must ask you not to get too involved with Axel here. He's only allowing you to see the side of him that you want to see, not his true cold-hearted self. I know you can do so much better than him." Holden's words cause Axel to growl loudly and next thing I know Axle’s hand is wrapped around Holden's throat.

"Axel stop it!" I yell grabbing onto his arms and attempt to pull his hand off of his throat, but it's no use my strength doesn't care to Axle’s.

"Do you really want to do this right now Axel? You're upsetting Reagan." Bethany states calmly.

"Please Axel, stop it you're scaring me." I sob quietly squeezing his hand, I guess hearing me crying snaps him out of it because instantly he lets Holden go and takes a couple of steps back. He seems to be in shock and actually collapses to his knees his face completely blank.

"Like I said Reagan, get away from him now before you can't get away." Holden states a wicked smile on his face.

"Never," kneeling down I pull Axle’s head to his chest craddaling him, "You can say whatever you want Holden, but nothing you say will change how I feel about Axel. I will not just leave him because of your words. Everyone has their own flaws and I'll accept Axel for his." I state glaring up at Holden and Bethany.

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