Chapter Ten part One

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After dinner at Levi's he took me home, when I arrived I headed straight to bed. I was so exhausted, I collapsed in my bed and asleep soon after.

Dream 1

It's so bright, sitting up slowly I find myself lying in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by trees on all sides. I was dressed in a long light purple dress that flowed behind me when the wind picked up. This is the first time I've actually found myself in the dream, most of the time I was just watching. It was so strange, I could feel the wind blowing through my hair, the sun beating down on my face, I could even feel the grass pricking my feet as I stood barefooted. I was caught off guard when a little girl came from the woods, I instantly realized it was the same girl from my other dreams and this time it wasn't a happy scene, she was injured badly. Her clothes were torn, she was covered in dirt and bruises, and there was a long gash going down the length of her arm. She collapsed to her knees and was breathing heavily; I knew that even though I could see her it was obvious she couldn’t see me. She laid there for a couple of minutes before her head snapped up looking at something behind me, turning around I see a lean man standing there with his arms crossed. At first I believed he was an ancient, but when he smiled at the girl I instantly noticed his sharp fangs. He was a vampire, she leaped up and while I assumed she'd run away from him, instead she ran towards him with her arms extended. The moment she ran through me the scene changed.

Dream 2

When the scene develops this dream is like my other ones, it's like I’m watching a scene from a movie. It was the same little girl from my previous dream, but this time she was in a room that seemed fit for royalty. She was laid out on a long red and gold couch, and the boy with the silver hair was sat on the couch with her head resting in his lap. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be in distress, the boy was murmuring to her while continuing to stroke her hair, of course there is no sound so all I see is his mouth moving. A door bursts open and in rushes a lovely looking couple; it was easy to tell that the couple was the parents of the two children. The woman had long dark brown hair that stopped at the end of her back with large silver eyes that held worry in them, while the man was an older version of the boy with the distinct silver hair, and the dark blue eyes that were alert and were locked on the children. The couple walks over to the boy and the man kneels and placed his large hand on top of the young girl's chest. He looks up at the woman and says something to her, which causes her to cover her mouth and for tears to begin to well up in her eyes. She turns her back, and walks away her body shaking. The man then places his hand on top of the girl's forehead and his hand begins to shine, it's obvious and easy to see that he's placing some kind of spell on the girl.  His hand stops glowing and then the girl goes limp. There is no movement; she just lays there no movement what so ever. 

And then everything goes dark.

Dream 3

When the scene developed I was extremely taken back by what I was seeing. The little girls was being held in the arms of the man with silver hair and blue eyes, next t him was his sobbing wife and son who's head was held down hiding his face. But that wasn't what shocked me; it was the person standing across from the family. It was Aunt Candace.

"Candace we expect you to take care of Reagan, and make sure she has a good life." hearing the sound of the man's voice, made me want to cry and the moment my name was mentioned I knew that these dreams I've been having aren't dreams, but memories.

"I promise I'll make sure she has a good life. I'll keep an eye on her and make sure to protect her." Candace state holding her arms out. By her doing this gesture  the woman I presume as my mother snatches me from my father and cradles me to her.

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