The other side

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Dark alleyways, crime pays in my town. The single mother prays, the semi-automatic sprays. Poverty stricken a shattered community, battered by potent chemicals. Where the weak are on the forgotten memorial walls, being ignorant not to stand out. Raised on hand outs, not phased by deficit cuts...we've always been getting by. Where the cries arent heard. The belly of beast I call it. The terrified are the feast, anguished spirits who where decieved of their aspirations. Just problems that pile no solutions, even the holy man is crooked, overlooked by the rest. You could see the hate in the young ones eyes furious at the world, numerous failures he looks up at the sky and asks why me? no one to tell him that even the greatest of men fail at first but then succeed.

The Long Road To Redemption.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora