Moving forward

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Moved away from everything that I used to hold dear...I opened the door for fears that I tried so hard to keep bolted...because I fiend for a better's close I can see the light creeping though the drapes...slowly coming alive...dreams being manifested I chose this path. It's not one that's been forced on me, all my bills paid...I've got security. A certainty in my heart knowing that I'm treading the path of true bliss and serenity. Old friends call me to check up on me to see if I'm still holding up...I assure them that I've never felt sure like this before...I know I have left behind my little siblings are more prouder than they ever where of me but is it foul for me to live so blissfully when they are still struggling to find there own path in this hostile world...but deep down I know they have to deal with their own demons...I'm still trying to tame mine...the voices still echo through my head the voices of disdain and disappointment but there slowly fading away as I find contempt..

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