True comppasion

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My father says love is overrated, the girls I've dated didn't awaken this in me either. I've speculated, debated with myself if it really exists and if so how does it feel? A question I couldn't decipher and as days went by I still found myself incompetent, unable to decode this myth that's so glorified...then it cried out to me, it was illiminous to me as the sun beaming out on a clear august day. Love takes up various forms, it's the familial bonds that tie use, the friends who we keep dear. And the two lovers who partake on a endeavour into unknown territory. So they savour every moment they have, An unsigned agreement, signed with their good intentions. Love to me is to bear no expectations for your significant other, assumptions should no longer accommodate in your thought process, it is to eradicate your idea of perfection and with this shall come the perfection you'll see them in all their flawless demeanour. And with this love will come...

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