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The agony of old goodbyes, I like them to be in the past...memories that are swamped in my mind...sinking sand that I'm slowly sinking into whenever I cross into that zone. She can see the darkness in my eyes...she says there's freedom on the horizon. That the world is going to change that the voices of the unheard are going to be heard that a single man like me can change the crazy, diluted, corrupted world we call our home. I say that change is inevitable it will only come to those who are able to think that this is illusion that as been painted like a beautiful painting laying unearthed in the dirt that's been trampled on by those who do don't want us to succeed and advance...she says I'm a cynic I say she's to much of an optimist and that she needs to step out of the mist that's she needs to step out of the matrix and accept that the world is full of illusions and tricks.

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