Whats your why?

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What's your why! I heard him shout at me across the stage screaming faith into my lungs. What's your why? He repeated as he looked me deep into my soul, what's your why? He repeated as I saw all the hope fleeting back into my eyes. What's you why? He repeated as I surged deep into my soul to find this hidden gift. What's you why he repeated? As I asked myself what is that drives? What's your why he repeated? As I still wondered why was I bewildered by all my past defeats. What's your why he repeated? And then it sprung to me. What's your why he repeated? And I replied to seek redemption, to right my wrongs and to undo all the evil deeds that where committed by me so carelessly, to seek forgiveness from my lord and family too and finally find inner peace. To set a path for my little siblings to follow and to un turn all the stones that where turned in my rage-full fury, to make my mother proud and have her smile in the heavens above and pave a pathway for a future generation. And how are you going to achieve this? By working tirelessly, tenaciously and being vigorous in my pursuit of success. By being working twice hard and having the right mindset to alter any circumstance. To outdo myself in possible way and to know that at times my will, will be tested however which great man hasn't been tested. To forgive but not forget as I still haven't learnt how to let go yet nevertheless that is my motto for success.

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