Just like stars

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You ask my why I'm so inconsiderate? I'm not one to be affectionate you say...and it's got me thinking. You wasn't the only girl to scream out those words that left me to wonder. When did I become so emotionally unattached? You see no matter how much I'm fond of them..they only seem to scratch the surface of this redundant heart, it hasn't felt any type of empathy, for years it hasn't seen any sympathy...I can be unsympathetic without meaning to. I always push the good ones away, and return back to my darkness...they say I have unresolved issues that are still laying dormant within me this wickedness that seems to pour out when the hour is just right for me to commit to a right match...I let the flames catch and watch the fire consume the un blossomed love that could have been...and now I know why I'm like this it has been like this from the very beginning...it's do with my mother. How when she passed away so long ago? I wondered and then the truth finally unravelled to me..it travelled me with on all journeys to find the only unanswered question that put me on a mission to find redemption...even with my 20/20 vision I was as blind as any blind person. She was supposed to be the person who could have showed me love, attachment that trusting someone with your fears and dreams And your future ambitions is normal and it's part of being human. And since that was snatched away from me at the tender age of 10 I fostered this coldness that made me not feel any type of emotions that could have been uplifting and now that I'm a matured individual...it's to late to start shifting the moral compass. I have accepted this grim reality and to some extend it bring me sanity now that I know why I can't be like all the other people who roam this wonderful earth.

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