Foregone Promises

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An hole that's enlarging, surging out the despondency which have filled my days with gloom. Yet I still withhold the urgency to let go of those treasured memories I hold on to. You smothered me with such an intensive affection. Putting me in a supsensive motion. And I know I've become so unresponsive, retracted your solicitude....and now I've left you to believe I was one to elude, when in reality I've been overcome by lassitude. So I had to exclude you from my mind yet I'm still to witness this expulsion take place, the compulsion that occurred when we first conferred has made it agonising for the ejection to happen. And I know it has been traumatising for you as well, realizing you've invested in someone who's been infected with such hatred a broken winged man. So I'm here putting to rest the ashes....

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