Part 6

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(This is still Jaemin's POV)

I headed down to the waiting room, and, well, waited until my name was called. It didn't take long since I was the first person scheduled to go in. I just went in, showed them some of my spear skills in honor of 9's attempt yesterday, and then left. Easy-peasy.

I suddenly realized something. We would get to learn 9's name today! It would be shown with his score. We were allowed to either chat with our instructors or just walk around once we were done, so I decided to wait for Jeno.

He came out about a half-an-hour later, and we began to chat. "We get to learn 9's name today," I said excitedly.

"Oh! You're right!" he said, turning to me with a huge grin on his face.

"I can't wait!"

We continued to chat, mostly just fanboy over 9 and each other until it was time to head back to our respective floor.

"Cya in the arena tomorrow." I said.


We were both dreading tomorrow. Tomorrow 9 might die.


I sat with my mentor, my stylist, Ji, and Ji's stylist and mentor, watching the scores. I had gotten a 9, Ji got a 9 as well, Jeno got a 10, Hyo-Sonn got a 8, the boy from 4 got a 8, and the girl from 4 also got a 9.

I then sat excitedly waiting for 9's name. "And District 9's male tribute, Renjun, got a 7!" the hologram announced.

I would've squealed if I wasn't with anyone. Renjun is such a cute name!

Our mentors ordered us to bed early that night, telling us to get some sleep so we'd be extra-ready for the arena tomorrow.


I had to spend my night watching Renjun and Jeno die in front of me again and again and again. And I couldn't get myself to wake up. It was pure torture.

And now we had to face the arena. I just hoped Renjun would live long enough that we could tell him we loved him.


Ah, so, your silly author has forgotten about the interviews. We're just going to pretend that there are no interviews, just clips of the tributes training, because your author is lazy, and this story has taken her 2 hours already.

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