Happy Part 14

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Jaemin's POV

The Game makers let us have one more day of peace before the finale. I had a guess as to why.

They must be enjoying our relationship. There's only 3 other people besides us, and nothing happened that would mean there's a fight going on right now.

We all made the best of it. The finale could be anything, and we could all die. But I try not to think about that.

I was the one who had suggested leaving our little cave and getting some fresh air. Nono and Injunnie had both happily agreed.

I'm currently sitting next to Nono, my head resting on his shoulder, my hand entwined in his. And we were admiring Renjun.

We had stumbled across a patch of wildflowers, and Injunnie had insisted we stop there so he could make flower crowns for us. He was quite good at them. His hands easily wove the flowers together.

"And done!" he sang, turning to us. He saw how close me and Nono were and grinned. We smiled back. It was always nice to see him like this too. Admiring our closeness without jealousy. I loved him for that.

He carefully walked over to us, and placed the flower crowns on our heads. Then he handed me the final flower crown with a grin. I happily set it on his head, and teasingly said, "And I declare you, Injunnie, the king of this forest!"

If it was possible for his smile to grow bigger, it did.

I glanced at Nono, who was watching us both, his signature eye-smile on display.

"What next?"


We woke up that night to the sound of another canon. Just as we were preparing to go back to sleep, we heard another.

The finale had begun.

Luckily, by now Injunnie's leg had gotten better. We had received some healing cream from a sponsor, and it had worked miracles. He still couldn't full on sprint, but he could run. I would just have to keep an eye on him.

He must've seen Nono and I's worried faces, because he said, "It's alright guys, I'll be fine. I can still run sorta fast."

That'll have to be good enough.

We decided to go to the Cornucopia, since that seemed like the smartest place to go. They kept waiting, expecting another canon, but surprisingly there wasn't one. Whoever was still alive must not have run into the beings hunting them either.

We started to hear rustling in the bushes and trees around us. We were almost at the Cornucopia, I was sure we'd make it before they caught us. I had been wrong. The mutts suddenly were around us, everywhere. There were about 10 of them, each of them about 3 ½ feet tall, and catlike, with a few humanoid features. They were terrifying.

Jeno pulled out his sword, glaring at the things. I grabbed 2 of my knives. I had given Renjun one of my knives earlier, and taught him a couple of combat moves, and boy was I glad I had done that now.

The mutts hung back for a second, allowing a couple more to appear. Then one of them let out a yowl, and they all closed in.

I started killing the mutts in front of us, the ones that were keeping us from reaching the Cornucopia. Renjun mostly just tried to stay out of the way, although he did manage to kill one of the mutts. And Jeno covered from behind, slashing at the fierce mutts.

We fought for what we later learned was about 5 minutes, until the other person's canon was finally shot.

The mutts then suddenly stopped attacking, and pulled away. They then ran into the forest, acting like normal cats.

"Why'd they stop attacking?"

"I don't know Injunnie..."

Then we heard the sound of thousands of fans screaming their heads off. Behind the sound of that, we could hear the announcer say, "And there you have it folks! The winners of the 96th Hunger Games!"

Ayeeee I was able to keep my promise and write this! Thank you guys for waiting! 🤗


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