Happy Part 17

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Renjun's POV

Jeno, Jaemin and I are on a train, heading to District 9. We had already stopped at the other two boy's districts, and celebrated their victory with them. Now we would go to mine.

In all honesty, celebrating in the other districts is awkward. People in Jaemin and Jeno's districts were not always happy about me winning, since I didn't kill anyone. They also were not pleased with their Victors being associated with a wimp like me, who would've died without them.

But whenever we would hear something like that, Jaemin or Jeno would glare at the person, then hug me to death. So I suppose it wasn't that bad.

At least my boys were not responsible for Chul's death, and they saved mine. It would be a lot more awkward for all of us if they had.

Jeno must've noticed I was lost in thought, because he reached over and poked me.

"What're you thinking about Injunnie?"

"Just looking forward to getting home."

Jeno grinned at that.

"I can't wait to meet your friends!"

At that I started dying of laughter. Chenle and Jisung may both be younger than me, and they both tend to be sweet people, but they were probably going to interrogate the crap out of Nono and Nana. And both of them can be pretty scary if they put their mind to it. Especially that idiotic dolphin.

Jaemin walked in, and blessed Jeno and I with a huge smile when he saw me laughing. We both took a moment to admire it.

"What's so funny Junnie?"

"Jeno said he couldn't wait to meet my friends back in 9," I wheezed.

"Yeah, what's so funny about that," Jeno huffed, clearly not enjoying being laughed at.

"You'll see when we get there."

They both began interrogating me, trying to get me to crack and tell them, but I kept my mouth shut. It'll be funnier this way. They won't suspect a thing.

While I was busy thinking evil boyfriend thoughts, the ice cream that we had ordered arrived.

"Junnieeeee you're zoning out againnnnn," Jeno complained.

I shook my head and smiled, then promptly attacked the ice cream, making Jaemin shriek. "Hey! We were going to share that!"


Jaemin said I should get off the train first, since we were in my district, and I agreed. Both Jaemin and Jeno were taller than me anyways, and I didn't want them to block my view.

I was bouncing up and down, a idiotic grin on my face. I can't wait to see Jisung and Chenle!

Behind me, Jaemin and Jeno were questioning whether or not they should be jealous.

The doors to the train finally opened, and I bounced off of the train and onto the platform, where the people of District 9 were waiting for me. They all began cheering, and crying out my name.

To other districts, my victory was unfair, but here, this was seen as a fair win. And I hadn't just won the games, I had won over 2 boy's hearts, just as they had won over mine.

I scanned the crowd, searching for my friends. After a minute or two, I finally found them.

Chenle looked like he was screeching his head off, being the dolphin he is, and Jisung had a huge smile on his face.

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