Happy Part 13

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Renjun's POV, First Person

Another canon went off, and I found myself glancing at the two boys sitting across from me, just to make sure they were still breathing.

They noticed, and both smiled softly at me.

"Don't worry Injunnie, we won't just stop breathing on you," Jaemin teased softly.

Jeno chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Anyways Injunnie, you must be cold sitting over there by yourself. Come cuddle with us!" Jaemin exclaimed. He was sitting right next to Jeno, his head resting on Jeno's shoulder. Jeno's arm was wrapped around him, pulling him tightly against his side.

I had been sitting on the other side of our little cave, admiring the two and how clear it was that they loved each other. You could tell from everything they did together. They had been made for each other.

And I still had trouble believing that they loved me too.

I crawled over to Jeno's other side, and Jeno wrapped his free arm around the shorter boy. He then proceeded to rest his head on mine.

I normally would have said something like, 'Are you trying to rub in how short I am?' But I didn't want to ruin the moment.

None of us did. We didn't want to talk about the fact that we were still in the Games. We refused to talk about the nightmares we would have whenever we weren't sleeping next to each other. And we refused to even think about the fact that we could die at any moment.

We instead chose to daydream about what would happen after we all won. We would leave the arena, have an interview, watch a recap of the games, and then go home. I was hoping they would choose to move into District 9. I didn't want to leave Chenle and Jisung, and I still wanted to be able to visit his grave.

I finally braved talking. "What will we do? After the Games? I mean we're all from different districts."

"I don't know about Jaemin, but I was thinking about asking to move to 9 so I could be with you. I saw that you had some close friends at the Reapings, and I don't want to be the reason you have to leave them," Jeno said.

"Yeah, I agree with Jeno," Jeamin said. "But who were those two guys?" he continued, sounding jealous.

I laughed at that, before responding, "Those two were Chenle and Jisung. They've been my best friends since forever, but nothing more than that. The reason Chenle was so upset was because..." At this point I trailed off. I didn't really like to talk about him. It wasn't that I didn't miss him, it was just the fact that the thought of him brought me so much pain and sadness, I couldn't bear it.

"Because why?" Jeno probed gently.

"I-I had another friend. When we were 12, we entered the Reapings, you know. But... they called his name. And so he went into the arena, and lasted until day 3, when the Careers that year found him and pretty much stabbed him to pieces."

One of those savages had won that year, the girl from District 4. I really hoped she wasn't watching this and enjoying the memories it brought her.

"What was his name Injunnie?" Jaemin asked softly.

"H-Haechan," was all I was able to say. I started crying, the painful memories I had spent 4 years trying to carefully bottle up finally resurfacing.

Jaemin immediately hurried to my side and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry for asking," he murmured.

"I-it's fine."

We just sat like that for a while, Jaemin and Jeno taking turns hugging me and kissing me and comforting me. After I started feeling better, I insisted they hugged each other too.

It was perfect. Just 3 boys loving each other, not caring about what anyone watching thought about them.

Nobody could tear them apart

Woahhhhh this is the second happy part that's ended wholesomely. Maybe it's because I wrote the sad chapter first again-

Games of Love (Norenmin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora