Happy Part 15

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Renjun's POV

We stared at each other in shock.

The sounds of the people in the Capitol screeching was playing over the speakers, but we couldn't really hear them. We just saw each other, the stunned looks on our faces, the fact that we would live.

We would live!

Nono and Nana started grinning, and suddenly I was pulled into a group hug.

There was no need for words, we all just stood in silence, enjoying our moment.

A hovercraft appeared above us, and a ladder was lowered from it's belly. I glanced at it hesitantly, before glancing back at my lovers. They nodded at me encouragingly, and then when I still hesitated, Jaemin walked over to me, hugged me, and grabbed the ladder.

He immediately froze, and I flinched back, scared, until Jeno came up behind me and began talking encouragingly to me. I slowly stepped forward, and then onto the ladder. I too, froze.

I saw Jeno step on, and then we were all lifted into the hovercraft. Suddenly Peacekeepers appeared around us, and separated us, taking us to different wings of the hovercraft. I tried straining towards Nana and Nono, but I was weakened by the arena, and was unable to break free.

The last thing I remembered was a sharp pain in my arm.

(That part and the next part(s) are heavily inspired by the author of The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, so credits to her!)


Jeno's POV

I immediately tried to fight the Peacekeepers when I realized they were taking me away from Nana and Injunnie. But I was weak from the fight with the mutts, and was unable to get to my boys.

"Jeno! Renjun!" I heard Jaemin cry out fearfully, clearly worried about us.

If they do anything to either of them they're dead.

That's when I blacked out.


I awoke on a hospital bed. I was extremely hungry, so I guessed it had been a day or two since I had last been awake.

Nana. Injunnie. Where are they!

Panicked thought began flooding my head, wondering what had been done to my boys. I sat up and tried to leave, but the doors were sealed tightly shut.

I started yelling, demanding they let me out, let me see my boys.

Nobody came for a long time.


A girl from the Capitol came in a couple hours later. Her skin was a pale red hue, and her hair was spiraling out in every direction, an offendingly bright shade of green. She was wearing a nurse's dress, white with pink lining.

I'm honestly not impressed.

She walked in with a food tray, set it down, then just... stood there while I ate. After a while I got annoyed and said, "Do you need anything?"

She shook her head, embarrassed. "No, sorry. I've just never seen a victor in real life before!"

"What about Jaemin and Renjun?" I asked, probing for information.

"Oh, I've not been assigned to them! From what I've heard Jaemin is fine, just really worried about you guys. Renjun's still asleep, his leg is pretty messed up."

"Will he be ok?"

"Yep! His leg's healing up nicely and the infection wasn't that bad!"

"His leg was infected?"

I wonder how long he kept that from Jaemin and I. I hope he didn't avoid telling us and suffered through it.

"Can I see Jaemin then, since he's awake?"

"Sure! Follow me!"

She led me to an identical room that was 2 rooms to my right. She let me in, then left us so we could be alone.

Jaemin looked at me in relief and rushed towards me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok!"

I just hugged him back, eyes closed, appreciating his closeness.

I leaned back a little bit, then kissed Jaemin, just to make sure he wasn't an illusion. He grinned against my lips, and kissed me back for a few seconds before we both pulled away.

"Now all we need is Renjun"

"Yeah. I hope he wakes up soon..." I murmured.

"He will. He's a tough little cookie."

"He's our tough little cookie."

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