Sad Part 12

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Renjun's POV (3rd POV for now)

Renjun was awoken by a canon. This was the second canon that had pierced through his dreams and awoken him.

It annoyed him. He was enjoying his dream. (Perverts, no. Just no. This is a wholesome fanfic.)

Jaemin and Jeno had also been awoken by the noise.

"That leaves 5 of us," Jeno said.

Jaemin nodded.

"Who do you think it was?" Renjun asked.

"Probably either the guy from 7 or one of the Career girls," Jaemin replied.

"That means the finale is coming soon. We should get ready," Jeno said.

"We can get ready by sleeping more," Renjun said grumpily.

Jaemin laughed at that. "You're so cute, you know?"

"I know, I'm adorable."

Renjun still hadn't really talked to Jaemin and Jeno about this... thing going on between the 3 of them. He didn't want to ruin it by mentioning it, or acknowledging that it existed.

"Hey, Injunnie? Jeno's going to go hunt, but we can cuddle for a little longer if you want to," Jaemin suggested.

Renjun agreed. He was a little worried about Jeno, but he figured Jeno could take on District 7's boy or one of the girls and defeat them easily. From what Jaemin and Jeno had told Renjun, it was a miracle they hadn't heard one of the girl's canons earlier.

Then again, that wasn't really what Renjun would call a miracle.


Renjun's POV still, just 1st person now

Jeno woke Jaemin and I up when he returned a few hours later.

"Hey, guys, come on. I caught some squirrels."

My mouth watered at the thought of meat. I hadn't had any since I had been in the Capitol. Then I remembered why I hadn't eaten any meat.

"What about food poisoning? We could get it if we eat the squirrels raw."

"That's what a fire is for, silly," Jaemin teased. He gently slid my head off of his lap, and walked over to Jeno so he could help prepare the food.

Surprisingly, Jaemin is a pretty good cook. The squirrels ended up tasting really good.

"I guess we wait now," Jeno said.

"Yeah, we wait, and enjoy our time together," Jaemin agreed.

Then we all sat down and cuddled with each other until the sun set.


We're running. Running away from the terrifying mutts chasing us. I hate myself for being so slow. Jeno and Jaemin are insisting they stay with me, instead of running ahead like they should.

We've decided to go to the lake. These... creatures don't look like they would like water. Each was about 3 ½ feet tall, catlike, and clearly some sort of horrifying monstrosity that shouldn't exist.

We had heard the canons for the other 2 kids a couple minutes ago.

We had almost reached a clearing we knew held a pond when the creatures overtook us.

Jaemin and Jeno immediately turned and attacked the fierce feline-like beings, trying to drive them away. But the mutts were strong. Whenever one would die, another took its place in a never-ending cycle.

I stood, watching the fight, unable to decide what to do. I could run to the pond and save myself, or I could stay, and try to help Jaemin and Jeno in any way I could. I of course chose the latter.

Mutt after mutt after mutt came and attacked us, yet hardly any of them made it past my boy's defense. But it was clear my Nono and my Nana were getting tired. Their movements were slowing down, and every now and then a mutt would get past their defense long enough to scratch one of them.

I watched with growing horror as the mutts came closer and closer to killing the two I loved.

And then it happened.

All of the mutts suddenly stopped attacking, and drew back. More and more mutts appeared, until there was a huge mob of them. Then all of the mutts rushed forwards at once, overpowering Nono and Nana.

I screamed as the two boys I loved were torn apart in front of my eyes. And yet, somehow, they didn't die. After about a minute of brutally thrashing Jeno and Jaemin, the mutts suddenly turned and vanished into the forest.

I rushed to them, crouching down and trying to figure out how to save them.

"H-hey Injunnie," Jaemin said weakly.

"Jaemin! Where are the bandages? Does Nono still have them?"

"Injunnie, it's too late for bandages. We're going to die."

"Nana, don't say that! You don't know that for sure!"

"Yes I do Injunnie."

"W-we both were wanting to tell you something Junnie," Jeno said.

"We want to tell you before we die," Jaemin continued.

Both boys mustered the energy to sit up and look at each other lovingly, before glancing at me again.

"We love you," they both said simply. Then they slumped backwards, the life slowly leaving their eyes.

"No, wait! Nono! Nana! Wait! I love you! I love both of you too! I LOVE YOU GUYS DON'T LEAVE ME!" I screamed, shaking them desperately, trying to get them to move, to get up, to do something.

I got no answer.

I felt like speeding this up a bit, so sorry if this seems rushed. If I'm being honest, I'm about done with having to write stuff for the arena, I want to get to the post-arena stuff for both the happy and the sad endings. 😅

Thanks for understanding, and see you in the next chapter!


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