Part 11

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Jeno's POV (Haven't done this boi in a while-)

We got back to camp a few seconds before everyone else did. It was sunset, and it wouldn't be long until they knew Man-Shik was dead. That was when we would be asked questions.

Jaemin and I had decided that we would tell them Man-Shik was dead ahead of time. That would make us look better. We would say that we had been gone because we were hunting the person who killed Man-Shik, but they had managed to escape.

They would probably make fun of us, but pretty much nobody had liked the guy anyways, so it wasn't a huge lose.

It took them a moment to notice us, but when they did they looked as us confused. "Where were you guys?" Ji asked.

"Someone killed Man-Shik. We got there just as they were running off. We tried to catch them, but they were too fast and got away."

Jaemin nodded in confirmation.

I had been right about one thing. None of the other Careers cared. Not even the girl from Man-Shik's district, Hyun-Ok, looked sad, or even disappointed.

They were all basically killing machines.

It disgusted me, and it disgusted me even more to realize that I would've been the same way if it weren't for Jaemin and Renjun. We kept each other from falling into the black abyss of insanity.


Quite a few people died today. This was our second-most successful day.

That was when I realized something. There were only 9 people left. 5 of them were Careers.

The others also began to realize this, and we began to stare at each other more warily, preparing for an attack. I shifted in front of Jaemin, trying to protect him from the hostile people's glaring eyes.

Hyo-Sonn attacked first. She lunged at Ji, a mace in her hands. Ji quickly pulled out her akimbo. (Basically 2 knife-sword things. One for each hand)

I took advantage of the distraction and darted away from the camp, pulling Jaemin along with me. Hopefully Hyun-Ok would fight the other girls and not follow us. It was time to reunite with our 9.

I would be lying if I didn't say I was glad. We only had to leave Injunnie alone for about 3 hours. I guess we had all been being dramatic for nothing.

We got back to the cave-hole thing and quickly hurried over to our 9. He looked at us, panicked for a second, then seemed to recognize us and relax again.

"Took you guys long enough," he murmured sleepily.

He's so cute when he's all grouchy and tired!

I slid over to where the shorter boy was laying, lifted his head gently, then laid it back down again on my lap. Jaemin scooted over and rested his head on my shoulder. It wasn't long before we were all asleep.

Awwww isn't that a whole lot of wholesome gayness

Also, I've decided to do a happy ending and a sad ending, because my dark side has started to take over but at the same time I don't want to make anyone sad. There will be multiple chapters for each ending, and they will be titled accordingly. (Sad Part ##, Happy Part ##)
Thanks for your understanding!

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