Happy Part 18 (Happy Final)

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Renjun's POV, 4 Years Later

"Wake up Injunnie~"

"Go away Nonooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

"But Nana made breakfast and he'll be upset if you don't go and respect his cooking."

I rolled my eyes. That was probably true. We'd been together for 4 years now, and you would think Nana would get used to me not being a morning person, but every day, he would wake up early and make breakfast for us. Then when I didn't go eat it he would get pouty for the rest of the day.


I unwillingly slid out of bed, then grabbed some clothes out of the closet. Nono left to go eat, and I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

Jeamin saw me and grinned, before placing a plate of food in front of me. I didn't really pay attention to what it was, I just quickly ate it and made sure to tell Nana that it was good, making him puff up with pride.

Why am I dating him again?

After Jeno finished eating, I dragged both boys out to the meadow by our house. They sat down and started talking, every so often, checking on me to make sure I was ok.

That was the only thing I ever noticed that showed they still had trauma from the arena. They slept fine, no nightmares or anything, and they never had any sort of anxiety attacks or mental breakdowns. They didn't even jump at little unexpected noises, like I still did.

But they never let me go off on my own, or leave the house by myself. And they always would check and make sure I was still really there. Sometimes they would poke me just to make sure I was real, and not their imagination. I think it's because they think their hallucinating me and Man-Shik actually did kill me.

But every time, I always turn around, give them a bright smile, and hug them. And they, after a second, smile and hug me back.

I began picking flowers, and weaving them together to create flower crowns for them. The Capitol had sent me some fake flowers, so I could make flower crowns that wouldn't eventually droop and die, but I found that I still preferred the live flowers of our meadow.

After about 20 minutes, I headed back to Jeno and Jaemin, and carefully placed the flower crowns on their head. And per tradition, I handed the other crown the Jaemin, who grinned and said, "And I, Jaemin, declare you the king of this meadow."

I giggled, causing the other two boys to laugh.

It's a perfect life, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Thank you for reading this, and I really hope you enjoyed the rollercoaster of a story! 

-Seashell 🌊💖

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