Chapter 1

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Hope you guys like it, it's done by like.. five girls lol. This is our first book and also our first time writing, so please give us feedback on what we need to improve on ! <3

Hershey's P.O.V.

"Ugh, guyyyyys. I don't wanna go! I already said so." I whined desperately.

"WE DON'T CARE!" they all shouted back at me. Jeez, could've put it in a nicer way. Thanks for making me feel like shit during my birthday, guys.

"O TO THE M TO G. I didn't win?! YOU'RE KIDDING ME! I wanted the tickets so badly.. One Direction is basically my life." I heard someone yell next to me. Taking that chance, I told her, "hey, i got these tickets... want them?" I got the response I wanted. She flipped turd and took them right out of my hands.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I saw that girl just take the tickets right out of her hands... What the actual fuck? Who would to that to such a beautiful girl like her? I didn't know what kind of feeling this was, butterflies? Are they called? I didn't know, I didn't care.

"Hey, loves. I saw her tickets getting taken away. Want backstage tickets and third row seats?"

The other girls basically fainted, while the beautiful girl I was so mesmerized by was just staring off into space, not even considering my presence.

"Hey, I'm Zayn." I said cheekily, she'd have to fall for me sometime soon.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Thanks for the tickets and the passes." she replied with a cold stare.

Hershey's P.O.V.

I called Deborah to save me from this, knowing we had mutual feelings towards the boy band everyone's in love with. She told me that she'd be here in 30 minutes.

We got through the concert... eventually. It seemed like, what, 500 years. I liked their songs, I just never fell in love with all the things I heard about them, you know? They ended the concert with I Want, like always. I was so tired of Nikole and Abby yelling into my ear "AREN'T THEY AMAZING?" "OMG LOOK AT HIS EYES" "THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!"

I was so ready to get out of this, UGH when's Deborah coming? She was supposed to save me from this. Whatever, she'll probably make it to the meet and greet. I looked up at Zayn, to see him looking straight at me.

He isn't that bad, I liked the way he dressed. His voice is amazing, too.

Hah, what am I thinking, he'll probably never fall for a girl like me. I'm pretty normal. Average height and weight, looks, eh i'm okay with.

We got to the tweets, oh God, I thought to myself. I knew what Nikole and Abby were up to.

They tweeted them "Its my friend's Birthday today! CAN YOU SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERSHEY AND SING TO HER?!"

Oh god. Oh god. Shoot me mow.

Zayn's P.O.V.

(before the concert)

The lads saw my mood change, Daddy Direction comes up to me and tries to snap me back into reality, but I just couldn't. Her beautiful big eyes, her short hair pinned on the sides, she was really fit, too. I really wanna get to know her... I have to get to know her.

Without even knowing, I was rushed onto stage and was forced a mic. I didn't even realize I was singing, I was so blank at the fact that i ran into the most beautiful girl.

Somehow i got through the concert, i dont remember any second of it, but i know i was looking at the beautiful girl the whole time.

We got to the tweet part of our concert. We got a tweet telling us to sing Happy Birthday to a girl named Hershey. I looked down at Her and saw the expression she had. She was mouthing to her friends, "im gonna kill you guys"

Her name's Hershey... What a beautiful name. I bet Niall would eat her up. I chuckled to myself.

Hershey's P.O.V.

"Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to you ..."

The song went on. I've heard it millions of times before, I didnt know why this was so special to my friends. Whatever.

I called Deborah. I am so gonna rip her eyeballs out.

"Hey, where are you?" I shouted through all the rout.


"Whatever you cunt"

"I love you hoe. Byeee!"

We got to backstage, i was so ready to go home and stuff myself with the leftover cake from earlier. Red velvet... my favorite.

"Hello, loves! How did you like the concert?" Harry asked us. Or.. Oh my gosh, i dont even know his name. The curly haired one.

Nikole and Abby fainted, and with me rolling my eyes, Zayn comes up to me.

"So, i heard its your birthdy" he said as he put his arms around me so nonchalantly.

I tensed, "um yeah, thanks for the song."

"It was my pleasure, whats your twitter? I'll for sure follow the most beautiful birthday girl."

"Thanks for the compliment," i said as i inched away from his arm, "but, i gotta go get my friend."

Nikole & Abby's P.O.V


She just rejected the Bradford Bad Boi! WHAT!

"Hey Zayn?" We both said as we saw Hershey walk out to get Deborah.

"Yes loves?"

"Her twitter's 'hersh_monstrr'"

A big grin appeared on his face as he went on his phone and excitedly looked up Hershey's Twitter.

We gave each other the look as Hershey walked in with Deborah, you know, the one where you send your friend when you both know you're fucked but am proud of?


Did you guy like it? C; give us some feedback! <3

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