Chapter 6

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Deborahs P.O.V.

I kissed Harry...and it felt he was the one...where his existence caused fireworks to erupt in me. I don't want a relationship though! I have no interest in relationships. Relationships cause drama. Relationships cause heartbreaks. Then why did I get that weird feeling near Harry?


Nikole's P.O.V.

"Hey Bhumi, tell Hershey I am going to the grocery store to get food for breakfast."

"Alright!" He said in an annoying tone. Well someone didn't seem in happy mood.


I was looking at the racks and racks of bags of chips and trying to decide one.


I turned around to see Niall and Liam standing behind me.

"HI!" I said trying not to show them that I wasn't fan girling on the inside

"What are you doing here?" Niall said looking at me with those vibrant blue eyes.

"Niall don't be such a blonde she obviously is buying food for breakfast!" Liam looked at me then at the cart."Wow Niall you were right, she is perfect for you."

I looked over at Niall and saw his cheeks turning bright red. O to the M to the G! NIALL HORAN TALKED ABOUT ME TO THE LIAM PAYNE FROM ONE DIRECTION.

"Well we do like our food!" I said quickly changing the topic.

"We?" Liam said.

"Oh, Nikole lives with her friend Hershey, the girl Zayn can't stop talking about, and her younger brother."

"Ohhhh, alright that's cool. Well I am going to get some pancake mix" Liam said walking away.

Niall's P.O.V.

Nikole was so pretty. She wasn't like the other fans. She didn't try hard to get the attention. She was just herself. She was honest, innocent and caring. I wanted her to be mine. It seemed like I knew her for ages now, although we had just met a couple of days ago. The next thing I did was completely unplanned for and I had no idea where I got the courage to do it.

"Hey Nikole do you think you can come out with me tonight? Maybe a dinner and film?"

I looked into her eyes, and I saw shock spreading in her. Oh no, what have I done she is going to say no. Did I go to fast ?

"Y-yeah! I would love to!" she said with a big grin on her face.

"Oh that's great, I will pick you at 7, yeah?"


"Bye Nikole, see you soon'" I whispered into her ear, hugging her.


Hershey's P.O.V.

Nikole and I were watching White Chicks, clutching our stomachs from laughing so hard. Deborah and Abby walked in the front door, it didn't really matter. This was like their second home. They came in, Abby took the floor sitting next to me and Deborah sat next to Nikole on the couch. As the movie came to an end I looked up at Deborah and it didn't seem like her. She seemed stressed and it looked like she hadn't slept at all.. She wasn't even acting like herself.

"What happened to her?" I asked Abby.

"I don't even know she won't tell me. Yesterday she came back home from the club she went with the one and only Harry Styles. He looked so hot. Like oh my gosh it's so not fair how she gets to hang out with him and I don't."

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