Chapter 8

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So guys there are going to be 3 parts to this chapter. Hope you guys like it!


Deborah's P.O.V.

"So, anything new in your life?" I broke off the awkward silence between Harry and I.

"Oh, nothing really. Releasing our new album soon!" He always got happy talking about his album.

"That's great!" I said enthusiastically.

*chirp chirp chirp*

We just couldn't get over this awkward silence. Our food came and I was trying my hardest to start another conversation when Harry interrupted my thoughts.

"So, I took you on this date so we could talk" He said with a sad expression on his face.

"Um, Okay! Go for it!" I tried no to think about what was going to happen. His face didn't exactly show happy Harry.

"Deborah, I really like you. Really, really, really like you. You're such and amazing girl that I could be myself around. I don't have to worry about you just befriending me for my money and fame. You are really down to earth, I feel like you look at me like Harry Styles from Holmes Chapel, not Harry Styles from One Direction. But, I've been battling my feelings lately and I feel like we should give it time before we make it work. It's not you, it's me, I swear." I can't believe he just used that line.

I stormed out of the restaurant. I was so mad, not at the fact that he just broke off the relationship that never kind of started, but the fact that he used that fucking line on me, esspecially after he told me he really likes me.

"Deborah, please let me at least take you home." He whispered into my ear pleadingly as he grabbed my waist...

Since I was wearing heels, I stepped on his foot, elbowed him in the stomach and started walking 5 miles back to my flat.

I was cold, mad and tired. I felt like I was going to die if I went any further.

"Deborah?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I wans't thinking clear enough to see who it was, I just kept on walking.

"Deborah, look at me. It's Bhumi!" I turned around and ran to him. Bhumi and I were like family, ever since Hershey and I've been friends, I knew he would be the perfect little brother for me.

"Shhh, its okay Deborah. Can you tell me what happened? He asked soothingly, stroking my hair and pulling me into a hug. I shook my head telling him I didn't want to talk about it.

He drove me back to Hershey's flat, in silence letting me have my peace.



Hershey's P.O.V.

"DID YOU HEAR?" I screamed into the phone as soon as he picked up.

"Huh?" oh shit, I woke him up... his sleepy voice was so hot. What am I saying...

"Oh I'm so sorry were you sleeping?" Wait, no I don't care. "Come over, right now. I need to talk to you!" I was still screaming, hoping it'd wake him up.

"Only cause you're cute." I felt my face getting warm, why did he have this effect on me?


Zayn and I had but on party hats on and were dancing to Party in the USA, even though we lived in London. Oh, the thoughts I have. We were celebrating our successes in our little plan for setting Deborah and Harry up. Deborah then walked through the door to my flat.

"Hey! How was the date with Mr. Curly?" I asked, laughing with Zayn.

"Hey are you okay?" Zayn asked Deborah. She seemed very stressed like before, when Harry had kissed her.

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